Test Prep and Placement

Take advantage of one of our test preparation programs or find out if you need to take a placement exam.

GMAT and GRE Practice Tests

As an EMU student, you have access through the University library to study materials and free, timed practice tests to help you prepare for the GMAT and GRE exams. Visit the test preparation site. and use the navigation links on the left side to select GMAT or GRE.

External Resources for GMAT/GRE Study

Below are some sites you may find useful in preparing for the GMAT or GRE. The EMU COB assumes no responsibility for the content on these websites, but is simply making you aware of cost-free options for test preparation.

Math Placement Exam

The math placement exam is offered every Wednesday and Thursday from 10 a.m.–2 p.m. in 508 Pray Harrold. Visit the website for exam topics and study materials. See a COB advisor to determine if it is necessary for you to take the math placement exam.

Foreign Language Placement Exam

Students wishing to take a foreign language at EMU should complete a language placement exam, unless they have no previous knowledge of the language. To schedule the exam, call the World Language Department at 734.487.0130. Visit the website for additional information on the exam.

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