Subscribe to a Calendar

Subscribing to a Calendar allows you to quickly and easily view the calendar from your list of Other Calendars.

Follow these instructions to subscribe to a Google Calendar:

  1. Open your Google Calendar.
  2. On the left, click the plus sign (+) next to Other Calendars.
    • Click Subscribe to Calendar add an individual's calendar.
    • Click Browse Resources to add the calendar for a campus room.
      1. Scroll down to locate the desired building and room.
      2. Click the checkbox to next to the room name to add the calendar.
    • Click Browse Calendars of Interest to add a holiday, sports or other calendar of interest.
      1. Scroll down to locate the desired calendar.
      2. Click the checkbox next to the desired calendar to add the calendar.
  3. At the top, left, click back to Settings. The calendar(s) should now appear in your Other Calendars list. 

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