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How to Purchase

Depending upon the amount and the circumstances of the purchase, there are four ways that university departments can procure goods and services:

Existing University, State or General Services Administration (GSA) Contract or Cooperative Buying Organizations

Prior to initiating any purchasing activity, the department should contact Purchasing to ascertain whether the item or services can be procured thru an existing University, State of Michigan (i.e. MI Deal, MEHC, etc.), or General Service Administration contract or a Cooperative Buying Organization (E & I, TCPN, etc.) that award contracts on the basis of competitive bidding and/or negotiations. If this option exists, Purchasing will advise the department how to proceed.

Delegated Purchasing Authority (DPA) for Purchases of $5,000 or less

If the DPA Purchase is less than $5,000, the department is encouraged to solicit proposals to ensure that the university is receiving the highest quality of product or services at the lowest cost. Proposal may be received verbally or in writing. Receipt by fax or email are acceptable. Verbal proposals should be documented noting the name of person contacted, date of proposal, information that was provided by and to the university, and the quoted amount.

Public Advertising the Procurement for Purchases greater than $5,000 with competitive Bid Proposals

For purchases over $5,000 , the purchasing department will lead and collaborate with the requesting department to coordinate the soliciting of competitive quotes or proposals. The Purchasing Department will work with each department to ensure that:

  1. Departments must create an on-line requisition and have the necessary funding approval(s) with Banner
  2. Departments must create a specification document that best describes the specific attributes, features and scope of services being provided to be reviewed by purchasing
  3. Purchasing will assist and give recommendations to suppliers and appropriate supply chain (direct, distribution, etc.)
    Solicit a minimum of two (2) written or sealed proposals
  4. For purchases relating to goods and services, the department must award a contract to a responsive and responsible bidder on the basis of price and other factor

Procurement qualifying for a Waiver of Advertising Bid Proposal for Purchases greater than $5,000

Waivers of advertising are exceptions to the requirement that purchases over $5,000 be procured through a formal publicly advertised bid. However, the University must adhere to the requirement for competitive bidding. For the list of goods and service types that are exempt from public advertising for bids , please refer to EMU’s Purchasing Procedures document (pages 4-6).

