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EMU Research

Re-budgeting Sponsored Program Funds




Even the best planned budgets for sponsored projects may need to share funds Re-budgeted between line items.  Sometimes the authority to approve and budget versions rests with EMU and sometimes written approval from the sponsor is required.  


To ensure award compliance, ORDA has an established procedure for processing all budget revision requests on sponsored projects:


  1. Complete and submit the re-budget form for ORDA review.  ORDA will review the request for compliance with award terms and conditions.
  2. If the budget revision is within the PI/PD’s budget authority, the budget revision is approved by the ORDA Director and forward it to Grants Accounting, where it is counter signed by the Manager of Grants Accounting before the budget is revised in Banner.
  3. If the budget revision requires Sponsor approval, the PI and ORDA Post Award Manager will prepare and submit a request to the Sponsor for approval. When the Sponsor approval is received, the ORDA Director will authorize the budget revision, attach the Sponsor’s approval, and forward to the Manger of Grants Accounting for final approval.


Please contact the ORDA Post-Award Manager for assistance.




Elevating Communities, Inspiring Generations

EMU Research, 200 Boone Phone: 734.487.3090 mail [email protected]