The Delores S. Brehm Endowed Scholarship in Special Education
Started by William and Delores Brehm, the scholarship is the first $1 million scholarship in EMU’s history, providing tuition support for students studying special education. The endowed scholarship supports a total of eight students (at in-state tuition rates) for one year in each of the academic programs within the Department of Special Education. Scholarship recipients exemplify outstanding pre-professional skills in the field of special education coupled with a commitment to serve children and adolescents with special needs.
In 2010, the Brehms enhanced the scholarship program with additional funds to support research aimed at further development of best practices in an ongoing transformation of the field of special education. Students selected as Brehm Scholars are required to participate in research partnerships with special education faculty members for one year and to conduct their own research project.
They are also required to attend the Annual Brehm Scholars Research Conference which begins with an intensive three-and-a-half day class to develop an understanding of research methods, to create a research topic and agenda, and to cultivate a community of collaboration and support. Scholars meet during the fall and winter semesters to obtain assistance and support for their research, to report progress, and to prepare for the Brehm Symposium and other venues where their work will be disseminated. Brehm Scholars are encouraged to attend the week-long Special Education Summer Institute which addresses the transformation of special education and provides a strong foundation for their year-long research project.