Business & Finance
What is Banner?
Banner is a fully integrated suite of administrative software applications specifically used by higher education to manage their business operations (Developed by Sungard Higher Education).
What is Internet Native Banner or INB?
Internet Native Banner is a WEB application used by Eastern to access the Banner system for day to day business. INB is used to manage students, accounts receivable, financial aid, alumni/advancement and finance, hr/payroll/position control. The primary uses are the administrative staff.
What is the difference between Self Service Banner (SSB) and Internet Native Banner (INB)?
Self-Service is accessible to EMU Faculty, Staff and Students. Internet Native Banner is an application intended for heavy users doing more administrative functions. It requires end-user training and security.
What is FOAPAL?
FOAPAL is the Banner equivalent of the FRS 10-digit account. The six elements of FOAPAL are:
Fund - the source from which the funds are drawn. Fund groups include General Fund, Auxiliary Fund, Unrestricted Funds, Restricted Funds, Designated Funds, Student Loan Funds, Endowment Funds, Plant Funds and Agency Funds
Organization - identifies the school/college/division/department responsible for managing funds. It reflects the current University organization structure.
Account - identifies the type of activity, such as revenue and expense. The object code in the FRS system is similar to the new Account code.
Program - indicates the purpose of the related financial transaction within the context of the University's major activities, such as instruction, research, public service, etc.
Activity - Optional; to be defined at a later date.
Location - is the "division" the organization code belongs to. Example: ACA=College of Arts & Sciences, AD=Advancement, BF=Business and Finance, PHP=Physical Plant, etc.
How do I review my Budget using Banner INB?
Go to Screen FGIBDST
Chart should be E; Fiscal Year should be the year you wish to view (i.e. 09, 10, etc.)
In the Organization block, type in your six digit department number (i.e., the organization/department number for your office, i.e., the Budget Office is (142450)
In the Fund block, type the fund you wish to review (e.e., G00005, R60167)
Select Block>Next from the top menu or press Ctrl-Page Down (NOTE: Program Number will default). Important: Clear the default program number
Use the up and down arrow keys to move to the specific account you wish to review
To view detail of the account select Options>Transaction Detail Information
How do I look up the balance of my Restricted and Designated Funds?
If there is a 'D' in the box immediately to the left of your fund balance, this indicates that your fund has been overspent.
How do I look up the balance of my Restricted and Designated Funds?
Note: Banner Self Service does not provide restricted fund balances. This information must be obtained through Banner INB.
In Banner INB go to screen FGITBSR
Enter your fund number in the Fund field
Select Block>Next from the top menu or press Ctrl-Page Down
Your available balance is shown in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, next to Current fund Balance (If there is also a balance in the block above the Current Fund Balance block, this amount must be added to the Current Fund Balance amount to get a total available balance).
If there is a 'D' in the box immediately to the left of your fund balance, this indicates that your fund has been overspent.
To get a detail of the activity in any account, use your arrow keys to highlight the account you would like to review. Select Options>Query General Ledger Activity Info (or right-click in the white space and select Query General Ledger Activity).
Who do I contact with Banner issues?
You can contact the help desk
Location: 106 Halle Library
Phone: 487-2120
Email: [email protected]
What are encumbrances?
Encumbrances (in respect to position control) are funding committed to a budgeted position for the remainder of the fiscal year.Example: a position is budgeted at $50,000
On January 1st
Budgeted Amount: $50,000
Expensed Amount: $25,000 (salary expensed July 1 - December 31)
Encumbered Amount: $25,000 (committed January - June 30)
Remaining Amount: $0 (salary savings)
Throughout the fiscal year as a payroll is expensed, the encumbrance is lessened by the same dollar amount. If this position was vacant for a period of time, there would be a remaining amount, which would be the salary savings.
Note: The encumbered, expensed and remaining amounts will always equal the budgeted amount.
What is the sweep process?
The sweep process was implemented as a process to give a true sense for an org's available balance. When a budgeted position becomes vacant, or there is a break in payroll (i.e., leave without pay), the system will sweep the remaining funding and place it in G00005-125052. If the position is filled later or the employee returns to their position, the remaining budgeted salary will sweep back into the original org and be available for funding. If wages are no longer expensed to this position, the remaining budgeted salary will be considered a salary savings to the university and remain in the sweep org (125052).
Where can I go to see my actual budget for salaries?
When you go to the Banner screen FGIBDST and look at the salary lines, you may not get the most accurate picture of your budgeted salaries. You will need to go to
- Options
- Transaction Detail Information
- Do a query on “type” using BD0%, F8 (this will eliminate the sweep entries)
- You will see the budgeted salaries amount in the bottom right hand corner.
Weekly Budget Reports are sent out every Monday morning. They reflect the budgets for your positions without the sweep process and give you a true picture for budgeted wages.
What are salary savings and how are they calculated?
Salary savings are defined as unpaid wages calculated when there is an interruption of pay in a permanent, budgeted position. This occurs when there is a vacant or unfilled position, an employee goes on a leave without pay, or during an interim assignment when the employee is getting paid less than the salary budget for the interim position.
Can salary savings be used as a viable funding source?
No, salary savings are included in the University budget as a negative estimate to budgeted wages. Salary savings cannot be used twice in the budget process. As salary savings occur, they are not to be viewed as additional available resources for use in operations (exceeding controllable budgets). Refer to "Funding Personnel Actions" for viable funding sources.
Please let me know when this has been done. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks very much!