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New Hires

Business and Finance division departmental new hire employee / manager check list. This list is a supplemental list to the New Hire Orientation provided by Human Resources.

  • Office Keys - Contact your manager or department office assistant to obtain an office key (if needed). 
  • Office Inbox (land mail) - Your manager or office assistant will establish an office inbox in your name.
  • Office Equipment - Your manager will establish your office environment, desk, chair, computer, tour your area for other needs, office supplies, lunch accommodations. Purchases for office equipment must be approved by your manager. 
  • Office Computer (Desktop/Laptop) - Your workstation will be acquired through your manager, new or used. Contact Gale Shaver to refresh your computer with the standard EMU software.
  • Office Computer (Additional Software) - To obtain software outside of the EMU standard required to perform your job duties and responsibilities (e.g. Crystal, Browser Certificates) typically acquired through department resources, contact Gale Shaver.
  • Phone and Phone Procedures - Your manager or office assistant will assist with phone set up. For additional information visit Telecommunications (e.g. VoIP, Voice Messages, Directory Information).
  • Eagle Card - Your Eagle Card (employee ID) is used for various services on campus. Obtaining your Eagle Card is covered during New Hire Orientation with Human Resources.
  • Card Swipe Access to Building - Your Eagle Card is used for card reader swipes near designated doors of each building to gain access during non-business hours, before 7am and after 5pm. Your manager will send a request to building administrators to grant access (e.g. Hover - Doris Celian, Pierce Hall - Beth Hardcastle).
  • Business Cards - Your manager will work with you to obtain business cards. EMU uses Standard Printing for business cards. Once you create an account, the menu on the left of your account summary has a link to create a business card.

Banner eprint Finance Reports
My.emich Self Service Budget Queries
Finance Web Reports
My Emich Self Service WTE Approver
My Emich Self Service Electronic Personnel Action Forms (EPAF)
Banner Student Common Forms


Authorize the Payroll department to set up payroll deductions on your behalf.


Authorize the Payroll department to set up or waive payroll tax deductions on your behalf.


Accounts Payable administers the pCard for departmental credit card purchases. Your manager will determine if you are authorized to acquire a pCard.