CAS Career Passport Winter 2025
Welcome Student Travelers!
This Winter, the College of Arts & Sciences invites you to embark upon a four-month guided “tour” of career planning. Whether you are a first-year student or a senior, traveling through the stops on this career itinerary will:
- Connect you with a coach at the University Advising and Career Development Center
- Familiarize you with important career tools, including Handshake and LinkedIn
- Invite you to attend career panels and job fairs on campus
- Encourage you to locate a faculty or staff mentor on campus, who can offer lifelong advice as you contemplate the future
How Do I Get a Passport?
In the first week of classes, travel agents will circulate these passports in classroom buildings across campus. Or you can visit one of the eighteen departments and schools in the College of Arts & Sciences, and they will give you a passport. You can also email Professor Mary-Elizabeth Murphy and she will provide a passport. If you are not on campus this semester, feel free to follow the events listed on this website.
How do I Get Stamps?
Students can get their passports “stamped” at any event listed in the booklet or by visiting:
- CAS Dean’s Office, 214 Pray Harrold
- Department of Women’s & Gender Studies, 714 Pray Harrold
- University Advising & Career Development Center, 200 McKenny Hall
Why Should I Participate?
Participating in this passport program brings two big benefits. If you travel the stops outlined in this itinerary, you will enhance your professional development and work with career services on campus to locate a satisfying career that utilizes the skills you learned at EMU. And next, if you get TEN stamps, you can submit your passport in a raffle to win valuable prizes.
- Update your Handshake Profile and make an appointment at Career Services
- Thursday, January 16: Attend CAS Alum James Tatum's talk, “Financial Wellness: What Every College Student Should Know," 6:30-8, Sill Hall, room 124
- Monday, January 20: Attend an event for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration in the Student Center
- January 3-31: Visit the Marking Place Exhibition in the University Gallery to see art created by university students across Michigan
- Thinking about a summer internship? Attend the Internship Fair on Wednesday, February 5 in the Student Center Ballroom, 1-4 p.m.
- Shop the Career Closet, right across from the UACDC in McKenny Hall
- Download episodes of EMU’s Career Corner Podcast and listen to a few episodes
- Join LinkedIn or update your profile
- Plan your classes and meet with an advisor when the Summer and Fall 2025 schedule goes live on February 24
- Approach a faculty or staff member and ask if they might serve as your mentor. They will probably say yes!
- Attend the panel, “Careers in WGST,” on Tuesday, March 18, 4-5 p.m. in Pray Harrold 202, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Department of Women's and Gender Studies!
- Attend the Spring Jobs Fair on Wednesday, March 19 in the Student Center Ballroom, 4-7 p.m. Even if you are not on the market, it’s always good to explore!
- Make connections on LinkedIn
- Update your resume based on the skills you acquired in your Winter 2025 classes
- Add your summer plans to your resume
- Add up your stamps and contact Professor Murphy to submit your passport for prizes!
Please check back later this semester for prize information.