University Writing Center

EMU’s University Writing Center (UWC) offers writing resources and support to all undergraduate and graduate students and all EMU faculty and staff.  The UWC values the diversity of our campus and honors all writers and the languages they bring with them to the university.

Our Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Statement

We at the UWC at Eastern Michigan University believe writing has the power to create change and promote equity. We value the languages, intersecting identities, and lived experiences of our writers and staff and believe a multiplicity of voices enriches the academic environment of our university. It is our responsibility to cultivate a welcoming and inviting space where we support and respond to all writers’ needs and actively engage in antiracist practices. To enact these values, we commit ourselves to engaging in ongoing professional learning; to regularly assessing and adapting our processes for recruiting, hiring, and training consultants; and to continuing dialogue on the effectiveness of our practices. We invite feedback from our community to work towards a more equitable, inclusive, and accessible experience for all writers. 

Satellite Locations

While you can find our main location at 104 Halle Library, we also have a number of satellite locations around campus. UWC locations can be found at the Sill Hall Study Rooms across from 144 Sill (GACET), 302A and 302B in Marshall (CHHS/Nursing), 128 Mark Jefferson (Science Success Center), and 211 Pray-Harrold (CAS/General). Students may utilize all locations. In addition, graduate students can schedule in-person sessions at 205N Halle Library.


Find information about in-person, Zoom, and written feedback consultations.

Graduate Students

Find information about real-time, virtual consultations; asynchronous/written feedback; and in-person/on-campus appointments.


Find information about the support we offer for both your classes and your writing.

Meet the Writing Consultants

Read about the writing experiences, academic backgrounds, and personal interests of the consultants who work with you and your writing.

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