YpsiWrites is a nonprofit community writing center. Our mission is to empower and encourage the voices of our community by providing free writing support to teen and adult residents of Ypsilanti. Our trained writing tutors and workshop leaders are available to help teen and adult writers with any and all types of writing, including resumes, essays, stories, business plans, poetry, memoirs, and more.
Virtual Tutoring is Now Available
Want to support local community voices? Your donations help us provide free, community-wide writing support. Donate today!
Volunteer with us! Sign up to receive more information through our Google Form. Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, @YpsiWrites.
Our tutors are now providing virtual writing consultations. You have two options for writing support:
- Comments about writing: If you would like someone to review your writing and provide feedback, please fill out this virtual submissions form.
- Conversations about writing: If you would like to talk to someone through a video chat about your writing, please fill out our Google Meet consultation form.
We have full instructions [PDF] for requesting virtual writing help.
If you are an Eastern Michigan University student requesting a consultation for coursework, do not use YpsiWrites. Instead, go to UWC for Undergraduates or UWC for Graduate Students for information about scheduling a consultation.
Want to get involved?
Learn more about our volunteer opportunities by signing up to receive more information through our Google Form.
Questions? Email [email protected]. Connect with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, @YpsiWrites, to stay up to date on all YpsiWrites happenings.