Ali Eydgahi

A photo of Ali Eydgahi



111F Sill Hall


[email protected]

Office Hours

Tuesdays 2:00-5:00 pm

Wednesdays 9:00-11:00 am


  • Ph.D., Electrical & Computer Engineering, Wayne State University
  • MS, Electrical Engineering, Wayne State University
  • BS, Electrical Engineering, Detroit Institute of Technology

Professional Summary

  • Professor, August 2010 - present

Interests and Expertise

  • Intelligent and knowledge technologies
  • Medical and healthcare technologies
  • Renewable energy and green technologies
  • Information and security technologies
  • Educational technologies
  • Transportation and space technologies
  • Social and human/machine technologies

Courses Taught

  • ET 100 - Introduction to Engineering Technology
  • ELEC 200 - Circuit Analysis I
  • ELEC 218 - Motors and Controls

Selected Publications

Dr. Eydgahi has published more than one hundred papers in refereed international and national journals and conference proceedings such as IEEE in the past twenty years.

Patents / Awards / Grants

  • Dow Outstanding Young Faculty Award, from the American Society for Engineering Education
  • Silver Medal for outstanding contribution, from the International Conference on Automation
  • UNESCO Short-term Fellowship

Professional Memberships and Affiliations

Dr. Eydgahi has served as a member on the Board of Directors for Tau Alpha Pi, the national engineering technology honor society, as a member of the International Advisory Editorial Board for the International Journal of Engineering and Technology, and as a member of the International Advisory Board for the International Journal of Modern Engineering. He has been an active reviewer for a number of reputedly international journals and conferences and has served as a technical Chair of Engineering/Applied Science Division of 2008 IJME-NAIT conference, as a member of review panel for NASA and Department of Education, as a regional and chapter chairman of IEEE, SME, and ASEE, and as a session chair and a member of scientific and international committees for many international conferences.


Additional Information

Dr. Eydgahi has extensive research work experience and collaboration with different NASA and NAVY centers and has been awarded a number of grants as a PI, Co-PI, or member of a research team. His activities have been funded by NASA, IBM, NSF, Motorola, Agilent Technology and Texas Instruments. He has supervised a number of graduate thesis and undergraduate projects in the areas of Unmanned Vehicle Design, Sensor Fusion, Speaker Recognition Design, Virtual Reality and Visualization Applications, Digital Signal Processing, Control Systems, Data and Communication Technology, Robotics and Systems Automation.

He has served as a chair or member of various state, university and school-wide committees. He is internationally known for new academic program development and implementation and has an extensive experience in curriculum and laboratory design and development. He has developed a number of research and teaching laboratories and centers at different universities both in USA and abroad and is very familiar with accreditation process and its requirements and has had numerous training sessions on the subject.