Marilyn Preston

A photo of Marilyn Preston

Part-Time Lecturer

Technology and Professional Services Management

206 Roosevelt Hall Roosevelt


[email protected]


  • Juris Doctor, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California
  • Bachelor of Arts, History, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia

Professional Summary

Professor Preston is a part-time lecturer in the Paralegal Program.  Before joining the faculty, Professor Preston taught legal research and writing at the University of Toledo College of Law and Wayne State University Law School.  Prior to her teaching career, she was a judicial law clerk to Chief Justice G. Mennen Williams of the Michigan Supreme Court, worked at the prehearing division of the Michigan Court of Appeals, and was in-house counsel in the legal department of Bank of America in San Francisco, California. 

Professor Preston has been active in a number of professional and civic organizations, including the Michigan Appellate Assigned Counsel System, and was appointed to the State Bar of Michigan Committee of Libraries, Legal Research, and Legal Publications.

Courses Taught

  • LEGL 304W: Legal Writing, Research and Analysis I
  • LEGL 305: Legal Writing, Research and Analysis II
  • LEGL 400: Legal Writing, Research and Analysis III

Selected Publications

  • Beyond the Basics: Practical Information for Attorneys on the Internet, 84 Michigan Bar Journal 56 (October 2005) [with Dianne Zyskowski]
  • Discovery and Administrative Due Process: A Balance Between an Accused's Right to Discovery and Administrative Efficiency, 8 Hastings Const. L.Q. 645 (1981)

Patents / Awards / Grants

  • 2004 recipient of an Association of Legal Writing Directors (ALWD) Scholarship Research Grant for her proposal on teaching appellate mediation as part of an advanced appellate advocacy course.

Professional Memberships and Affiliations

  • State Bars of Michigan and California
  • American Bar Association
  • American Association for Paralegal  Education
  • Legal Writing Institute