311 Everett L. Marshall Building
Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197
[email protected]
Chen, S*., & Caboral-Stevens, M. (2024). Transition to US practice among internationally
educated nurses: A concept analysis. The Philippine Journal of Advanced Nursing, pp. 1-9.
2. Gower, D., Kachaturoff, M., & Caboral-Stevens, M. $ (2023). Digital experience among faulty
and students in one Midwest university. Education Journal, 12(3), 92-98.
3. Caboral-Stevens, M. Raymond III, D. and Evangelista, L. (2023) Well-being, occupational
fatigue, and sleep quality among Filipino nurses working during COVID-19. Asian Journal of
Nursing Education and Research, 13(2), 1-5. http://www.anvpublication.org/
4. Caboral-Stevens, M., Rainville, A. J., Ford, O., Yang, X., Donnelly, J., Bessire, R., Jackson-
Dyer, T., Sonnega, J., & Wu, T-Y. (2022). Challenges and Successes with Health
Communication Messaging for Asian Americans. Health Promotion Practice, 21(1 Suppl), 149S-
152S. https://doi.org/10.1177/15248399221115449
5. Wu, T-Y, Bessire, R., Ford, O., Rainville, A. J., Chow, C. M. & Caboral-Stevens, M. (2022).
Food Insecurity and Diabetes: An Investigation of Underserved Asian Americans in Michigan.
Health Promotion Practice, 21(1 Suppl), 67S-75S. https://doi.org/10.1177/15248399221116088
6. Cypress, B., & Caboral-Stevens, M. (2022) “Sense of presence” in an immersive virtual reality
environment: A concept analysis using Rodgers’ evolutionary approach. Dimension of Critical Care
Nursing, 41(5), 235-245. https://doi.org/10.1097/DCC.0000000000000538
7. Dudeck, S.*, Hibler, E.*, Gill, K.*, Schantz, T.*, Kovick, L., Cypress, B., & Caboral-Stevens,
M. (2022). A concept analysis of family presence during COVID-19. Dimensions of Critical Care
(42),5, 137-145. https://doi.org/10.1097/DCC.0000000000000578
8. Caboral-Stevens, M. $ , & Newberry, G. (2022). Undergraduate nursing students’ perceived
knowledge and confidence of patient safety: Comparison between classroom and clinical
settings. Journal of Nursing & Practice, 5(1) 374-377
9. Caboral-Stevens, M., & Wu, T-Y. (2022). Training culturally congruent Health Coaches to be
socially- embedded support on physical activity among older Asian Americans: Phase One
Report. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(1).
10. Caboral-Stevens, M., & Wu, T-Y. (2021). Differences in BMI and body fat measurement
between Bangladeshi men and women living in Hamtramck: A Cross-Sectional Study. Asian
Journal Research of Cardiovascular Disease, 3(2), 18-26. Article no. AJRCD.71838
11. Kachaturoff, M.*, Fashbinder, A.*, Shidler, K.*, & Caboral-Stevens, M. (2021). Acceptability
of socially assistive robotics (SAR) among cognitively intact older adults: An integrative review.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 47(9), 49-54. https://doi.org/10.3928/00989134-20210803-05
12. Marjanovic, N.*, Murray, K.*, Kovick, L., & Caboral-Stevens, M. (2021). Menopausal transition:
A concept analysis. International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Research 1(07), 2021-2037.
13. Mosed, H.*, Periord, M.*, & Caboral-Stevens, M. (2021) A concept analysis of intercultural
communication. Nursing Forum 56(4), 993-999. https://doi.org/10.1111/nuf.12622
14. Diaz, D.*, & Caboral-Stevens, M. (2021). Health promoting behavior and positive mental
health of Filipino nurses in Michigan. Journal of Nursing Practice Applications & Reviews of Research,
11(1), 36-42
15. Eddy, J.*, Kovick, L., & Caboral-Stevens, M. (2021). Meaningful recognition. The synergy
between individual and the organization. Nursing Management, 52(1), 14-21.
16. Symons, M. M.*, DiCarlo, H. M.*, & Caboral-Stevens, M. (2021). Workplace cyberbullying
exposed: A concept analysis. Nursing Forum, 56(1), 141-150. https://doi.org/10.1111/nuf.12505
17. Caboral-Stevens, M. $ , Ignacio, R., & Newberry, G. (2020). Undergraduate nursing students’
knowledge in pharmacology and risk for error. Nursing Education Today, 93, 104540.
18. Varano, S.*, Man, L.*, Lovence, K., and Caboral-Stevens, M. (2020). Long term quality of life
of living kidney donors: An integrative review. The American Journal of Humanities and Social
Sciences Research, 3(6), 110-116. http://www.theajhssr.com/current_issue.html
19. Andrews, E.*, Berghofer, K.*, Long, J.*, Prescott, A.*, & Caboral-Stevens, M. (2020).
Satisfaction with the use of telehealth during COVID-19: An integrative review. International
Journal of Nursing Studies Advances, 2, 100008 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnsa.2020.100008
20. Kidd, K.*, Weinberg, T.*, & Caboral-Stevens, M. (2020). The 21 st Century opioid addiction: A
concept analysis and implications for nursing. Journal of Addictions in Nursing, 31(1), 17-22.
21. Katchaturoff, M.*, Caboral-Stevens, M., Gee, M.*, & Lan, V. (2020). Effects of peer
mentoring on stress and levels of anxiety of undergraduate nursing students: An integrative
review. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(4), 223-228. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.
22. Caboral-Stevens, M., Wu, T-Y, & Moreno, A. (2020). Perception and readiness towards
interprofessional learning between health professional students. International Journal of Scientific
Research and Publications, 10(5): 71- 75 http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.10.05.2020.p10108
23. Caboral-Stevens, M., & Porretta-Fox, D. (2020). The use of collaborative testing (CT) among
baccalaureate nursing students. Teaching and Learning in Nursing 15, 37-41.
24. Shidler, K.*, Fashbinder, A.*, & Caboral-Stevens, M. (2019). A concept analysis: Emotional
regulation of nurses. Nursing Forum 55(2), 118-127. https://doi-org.ezproxy.emich.edu/10.1111/
25. Beydoun, J.*, Nasrallah, L.*, Sabrah, T.*, & Caboral-Stevens, M. (2019). Towards a definition
of caregiver fatigue: A concept analysis. Advances in Nursing Science, 42(4), 297-306.
26. Caboral-Stevens, M., Rosario-Sim, M., & Lovence, K. (2018). Cultural competence of nursing
faculty of LGBT population. International Journal of Nursing & Care, 2(2), 1-4.
27. Romero, N.*, & Caboral-Stevens, M. (2018). Dietary acculturation among Filipino-American
students in MI. ARC Journal of Nursing and Healthcare, 4(3), 9-12.
http://dx.doi.org/10.20431/2455- 4324.0403003www.arcjournals.org
28. Caboral-Stevens, M. (2016). Cognitive age and usability of health website among older adults.
The Scientific Pages of Nursing, 1(1), 1-4. Available at:
http://thescientificpages.org/Articles/nursing/ the_scientific_pages_of_nursing-tspn-1-
29. Caboral-Stevens, M, Sedhom, L., & Rosario-Sim, M. (2016). Emotional intelligence scores of
diverse first year advanced practice nursing students. International Journal of Nursing, 3(2); 1-8.
Fellow, New York Academy of Medicine
2024 Mid-Career Investigator Award, MNRS Health of Diverse Population, Research and
Implementation Interest Group (RIIG)
2022 Merit Excellence in Education Award - Council of Asian Pacific Americans
2022 Nurse Research Award, Philippine Nurses Association of America