Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation Chaired Professor in Entrepreneurship and Director, Center for Entrepreneurship
318 Hill
Chowdhury, S. & Schulz, E. (2022). The levels of base pay and incentive pay used by small firms to compensate professional employees with general and specific human capital. Journal of Small Business Management, 60(1): 1-31.
Chowdhury, S. & Endres, M. L. (2021). The influence of regional economy- and industry-level environmental munificence on young firm growth. Journal of Business Research, 134: 29 - 36.
Chowdhury, S.; Schulz, E. & Milner, M. (2014). Core employee based human capital and revenue productivity in small firms: An empirical investigation. Journal of Business Research. 67(11): 2473-2479.
Schulz, E.; Chowdhury, S. & Van de Voort, D. (2013). Firm productivity moderated link between human capital and compensation: The significance of task-specific human capital. Human Resource Management, 52(3): 423 – 439.
Chowdhury, S. (2011) The Moderating Effects of Customer Driven Complexity on the Structure and Growth Relationship in Young Firms. Journal of Business Venturing. 26(3): 306 – 320.
Chowdhury, S. & Endres, M. L. (2010). The Impact of Client Variability in Nursing on Occupational Strain and Injury: The Cross-Level Moderating Effect of Safety Climate. Academy of Management Journal. 53: 182-198.
Endres, M. L., Chowdhury, S., & Milner, M. (2009). Ambiguity tolerance and accurate assessment of self-efficacy in a complex decision task. Journal of Management & Organization, 15 (1): 31 - 46.