Deb Crawford

A photo of Deb Crawford

Assistant Professor

Leadership and Counseling

304M Porter


[email protected]


  • PhD, Counselor Education, University of Missouri – St. Louis
  • MEd, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, University of Missouri – St. Louis
  • BA, Psychology, University of Missouri – St. Louis


Dr. Crawford received their PhD from the University of Missouri – St. Louis in Counselor Education & Supervision. They have previously taught in the Mental Health Counseling program at the University of Central Arkansas, as well as the University of Missouri – St. Louis. She is a licensed professional counselor (LPC) in Missouri and has worked in private practice for over 8 years counseling adolescent and adult clients. Dr. Crawford’s research focuses on factors related to resilience and thriving in the LGBTQ+ community and neurocounseling. She has several published works including academic research articles, textbook chapters, and magazine articles on mental health and the LGBTQ+ community.

Interests and Expertise

  • LGBTQ+ Positive Psychology
  • LGBTQ+ Mental Health
  • Thriving & Resilience
  • Minority Stress
  • Neurocounseling

Publications and Presentations

Book Chapters

  • Somerville, T., Rose, B., Ratanashevorn, R., Crawford, D., Kashubeck-West, S. (2022) LGBTQ+ communities and co-occurring disorders. In R.W. Holt & R.M. Moro (Eds.) Counseling individuals with co-occurring addictive and mental disorders: A comprehensive approach. Springer Publishing. 

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Crawford, D. (2023). Revisiting resilience and thriving in the LGBTGEQIA+ community: Conceptual issues and new directions. Journal of LGBTQ+ Issues in Counseling. (in press)
  • Crawford, D., Kashubeck-West, S. (2023). Testing a mediational framework for sexual minority resilience. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. (in press)

Selected Presentations

  • Crawford D., Kashubeck-West, S. “Testing a Mediational Framework for Sexual Minority Resilience” American Psychological Association, Virtual, August 2020.
  • Paul, Z., Crawford D. “Connectedness to the #MeToo Movement” American Counseling Association, Atlanta GA, April 2022.
  • Crawford, D., Goldey, K., Martinez, L. “LGBTQ+ Psychology: Thriving Symposium”. Southwestern Psychological Association, Frisco, TX, April, 2023.