American Speech-Language Hearing Association (1991 – present)
Michigan Professional Licensure - Audiology (2007 - present)
Introduction to Audiology
Audiometrics Testing
Introduction to Research in Speech-Language Pathology
Consulting & Interviewing
Publications and Presentations
Selected Publications
Lee, L. (2016). Efficiency of a wind noise attenuation algorithm, Hearing Review, 23(6) 22-25.
Selected Presentations
Lee, L & Shiley, A. (2016). Efficacy of a wind noise attenuation algorithm. Poster presented at the annual American Academy of Audiology Conference, Phoenix, AZ
Shiley, A. & Lee, L. (2016). Annoyance ratings of a wind noise reduction algorithm. Poster presentation at the Michigan Speech Language and Hearing Association Annual Conference, Grand Rapids, MI
Geddes, E. & Lee, L. (2016). Assessing sound quality – Part I. Invited presentation at Google, Mountain View, CA.
Member, American Speech-Language Hearing Association