By selecting the Children and Families major you will earn a Bachelor of Science. Earning this degree indicates you will have a specialized expertise and experience with children from birth to age five. You will understand the development of young children, how to plan appropriate learning experiences, and the importance of developing strong relationships with young children and their families to best serve their needs.

What You Will Learn

You will take classes on the development of children from birth through age eight, child centered teaching and learning techniques, development and implementation of curriculum and programs for infants and toddlers, how to maintain an inclusive classroom, advocacy, leadership and administration in Early Childhood. In addition, you will complete two practicum experiences in the EMU Children’s Institute and a final internship.


You will be eligible to be a lead teacher in a Great Start Readiness Program, a Head Start, or any other private or public program serving children from birth to age five. You could also serve as a program administrator or work in an agency that advocates on behalf of children and families. Additionally, you may supervise individuals with an associate’s degree working in the same facility.

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