Since the strength of any university lies in its academic programs, keeping these programs current through a carefully constructed and maintained course and program development system is essential to the educational mission of the University.

Curriculog is a web based platform developed by Digital Architecture, the company that supplies us with our catalog management system. Its primary function is to streamline our curriculum approval processes by automating curriculum workflow and approval.

  • Direct Integration with the Academic Catalog Expand dropdown

    Curriculog integrates seamlessly with our catalogs. Courses and programs can easily be imported from any catalog into a new proposal for editing.

  • Automated Expand dropdown

    Role-based management allows approval processes to be created that are automatically populated with participants the moment a proposal is identified with a department or institutional unit.

  • Configurable Expand dropdown

    The comprehensive user dashboard allows participants to view all active proposals, and to easily keep track of their own, those they are watching, and proposals for which they have active tasks.

  • Smart Expand dropdown

    Exception handling allows proposals to be held, canceled, or custom routed on the fly to accommodate special circumstances or to address the ad-hoc need to include a particular role or individual in an approval process.

  • Proposal Templates Available in Curriculog Expand dropdown
    • New Academic Program - Major, Minor, Masters, Specialist, Doctorate, or Certificate
    • Program Revision - This may include the addition or deletion of required or restricted elective courses, reconfigurations of existing courses, changes to admission requirements or graduation criteria, or a new concentration
    • Program Phase-out or  Shelving
    • New graduate or undergraduate course - including courses previously offered as special topics. Please note that a course can only be taught using a special topics number three times before it needs to be proposed as a regular course.
    • Revision to existing course - This may include a change to prefix, number, title, description, prerequisites, or restrictions.
    • Course Deletion - This would remove a course from Catalog/Banner, course can no longer be offered
    • General Education and Writing Intensive - Submit a course for General Education or Writing Intensive vetting. 

    Curriculog may be accessed by visiting Once you have navigated to the site, you will need to log in perform any actions. To log in, select ‘Login’ from the upper right corner and provide your e-mail address and password. 

    If for some reason you are not able to access the site, please e-mail [email protected].

  • User Guides Expand dropdown

    Go to Curriculog User Guides to find step-by-step directions on how to complete a proposal. The Google Drive folder is accessible to individuals with a account. Video guides are also available.

  • Training Sessions Expand dropdown

    Curriculog training sessions are available for faculty/staff members by appointment, please email [email protected].

  • Looking for Guidance on How to Proceed? Expand dropdown

    Please reach out to the Course and Program Development Office.

    The office's primary responsibilities are to help faculty prepare proposals for curricular modifications, introduce them into the process, and facilitate the proposal's progress through the process until approved. Carrying out these responsibilities involves such things as:

    • Making sure that proposal forms are correctly completed;
    • Offering advice about the best way to organize and convey information;
    • Identifying and addressing potential problems before proposals leave their initiating departments or colleges;
    • Distributing proposals to College and Faculty Councils and keeping track of them as they make their way through the Input System;
    • Helping resolve issues that arise during the approval process;
    • Updating and maintaining the university’s undergraduate and graduate catalog
    • Notifying appropriate University offices and personnel when the decision to approve or disapprove a proposal is made.
    • Preparing and submitting proposals for review by the Academic Officers Committee of the Michigan Association of State Universities and the Board of Regents