Diversified Specialization

Economics is divided into two primary, interrelated sub-disciplines: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Microeconomics studies how people, businesses, and government agencies use the scarce resources available to them (such as time, money, land, etc.) to achieve their objectives (such as earning income, making a profit, etc.). Macroeconomics is the study of whole economies -- the part of economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors and how they interact in economies. 

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Undergraduate Programs
The economics major prepares students to pursue career opportunities in business, government, and the non-profit sector, and provides an excellent foundation for success in graduate study in economics and other related areas.
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Graduate Program
Note: applications for the graduate program are no longer being accepted.

The graduate economics program is designed to accommodate students with varied backgrounds and needs, and offer sufficient flexibility to meet the career objectives of students with various interests in economics.
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STEM Programs
The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) designation allows students graduating from these programs to be eligible for STEM-related scholarships, as well as a wide range of jobs, particularly with institutions seeking students from STEM fields.