Book Discussion Series

radical hope book cover

The Faculty Development Center and the Office of Campus & Community Writing invite held a book discussion focusing on Kevin M. Gannon’s recent book, Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto. 

In a world in which higher education finds itself under siege and faces significant threats and challenges, Radical Hope offers a vision of teaching as an emancipatory practice that spreads hope. Teaching, Gannon argues, can transform the world for our students; it can also help us to reshape institutional culture. Gannon’s perspectives allow us to envision a better future for higher education, and for Eastern Michigan University, with teaching at the core.

This book discussion allowed them to imagine what this better future might look like and to consider productive steps they might take to enact it. 

They met on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:45 PM, on November 5, November 19, and December. Meetings took place in the Faculty Development Center (109 Halle) and on Zoom. 

eBook Availabilities

We have two ebook copies of this title - one through Project Muse and the other through EBSCO. Both copies can be downloaded for unlimited use. This link ( will take users to the Esearch page that will let them access both copies. Searching Esearch by the complete title (Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto) will retrieve both copies.

Previous Book Discussions

  • Small Teaching by James M. Lang Expand dropdown

    In light of the "Try One Thing" initiative, we hosted the Summer Book Discussion series, in which we expanded on these ideas. Jeffrey Bernstein and Ann Blakeslee held a three-part discussion of the book Small Teaching (second edition) by James M. Lang. In this book, Lang delves into strategies of small change that can be used to enhance student learning experiences. Readers learn how to help students excel at retrieving knowledge from memory and making meaningful connections to course content. Lang also presents ideas for how to build community and motivation in your classroom. We hope these discussions inspired all of us to reflect on our teaching and to implement small changes that will truly benefit our students. 

    To read more about Small Teaching, see our book spotlight on it.

    Halle Library has purchased Small Teaching and it is available as an ebook

    To order a hard copy of this book, click here.