
EMU student with laptop with the word "Wireless" overlayed.Usually connecting to wireless networks is convenient, but risky. Wireless networks use radio waves that can pass through walls allowing your network signal to go beyond the boundaries of the room where you are using your laptop or mobile device. Unsecured wireless internet traffic is readily available to anyone nearby who possesses the appropriate equipment allowing them to access information transmitted by your laptop or mobile device.

As a result, it is important for you to be aware of wireless security practices that allow you to protect the information transmitted by your computer or mobile device. Visit the Safe Computing section of the Division of Information Technology Security website for more information on security practices.

Several wireless networks are available at EMU: EMU-Wireless-Secure, EMU-Open-Guest and EDUROAM. The following information will assist you in determining which of these networks to use.

WiFi Hotspots available throughout Michigan

During the pandemic crisis, it may be useful to locate WiFi hotspots that are open/available and near your home with most accessible from your car. More information is available about "Parking Lot" WiFi access at EMU and other locations around Michigan is available.


The EMU-Wireless-Secure network is more secure than the EMU-Open-Guest network. Using any wireless network to conduct EMU business leaves University-owned data vulnerable to theft. For this reason, we recommend using the University's private wired network for all EMU business. When this is not possible, the EMU-Wireless-Secure network is the preferred wireless network to use.


The EMU-Open-Guest network is available to faculty, staff, students and guests visiting the EMU campus. Guests may self-register to access the EMU-Open-Guest network using the Click Here for Guest Access link located at the bottom of the login page. Self-registration provides guests with network access for up to 24 hours, and guests may repeat the self-registration process for additional access as needed. For longer term access needs, faculty or staff members should continue to use guestmanager.emich.edu to sponsor and create guest accounts that are valid for up to 30 days.


EDUROAM is a global WiFi roaming service that allows faculty, staff and students to access the EDUROAM WiFi network at participating academic and research institutions around the globe using their email address and password from their "home" institution. Since EDUROAM is a public network and authenticates to servers on the Internet, we recommend that faculty and staff use the EMU-Wireless-Secure network while on campus and use EDUROAM when traveling to other participating institutions. 

Additional Information

Access to some EMU enterprise systems (e.g., INB Banner, Xtender, BOE, shared drives, or network printers) from any EMU-Wireless network requires you to log in to the EMU Virtual Private Network (VPN). Visit the Virtual Private Network (VPN) page for more information.

Contact the Help Desk for assistance when troubleshooting connectivity issues with University-owned computers. EMU wireless networks may not work with all mobile devices. Assistance with personal devices is limited to verifying settings. For more information, contact the Help Desk at 734.487.2120.

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