Team Dynamix
Team Dynamix (TDX) is service request management and incident and incident response recording, tracking and reporting software used by the Division of I.T. It is used to record and process typical information technology help requests for the university as well as manage recording and responses to classroom technology help requests from around campus at EMU.
- A student brings a laptop to the Help Desk window needing configuration assistance for connecting to the EMU WiFi communication system. – A TDX incident is prepared documenting the details about the request, including the ultimate disposition.
- A staff member calls the Help Desk requesting help with connecting to a printer in their office. TDX is used to prepare the record (incident) with the request, vital details such as time, date, location and names, and the final disposition of the problem presented.
- A faculty member calls from an electronically equipped classroom requesting help with the overhead projector. TDX is used to record the call, assign the call to the appropriate technical support group, as well as the resolution. The records are part of the service incident database.
- The Help Desk manager uses TDX to prepare reports on the types of help needed last month, and the efficiency of the Help Desk personnel in handling incidents to the point of final resolution.
Because the I.T. Help Desk might deal with sensitive data of many types and which sensitive data is governed by one or more of several laws, state and federal, the Help Desk employees must adhere to strict privacy and confidentiality rules for all activities. The data the Help Desk deals with can be affected by FERPA, HIPAA, GLBA, FISMA, Homeland Security regulations, copyright, criminal laws such prohibitions against sexual exploitation of minors, security, confidentiality, and privacy policies of the university and the Division of I.T, for example. All Help Desk employees are required to sign a confidentiality agreement before any contact with a users electronic equipment, or their files and stored information.
Additional Resources
Using TDX
The permitted (Yes), the not permitted (No), and those needing to contact I.T. (Contact I.T.) are listed in three columns in the matrix below.
- Attorney/Client Privilege
- I.T. Security Information
- Private Personal Information
- Student Education Records (FERPA)
- Other Sensitive University Data
- All Other Research Data
- Protected Health Information (HIPAA)
- Credit Card Information (PCI)
- Social Security Numbers
- Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)
- Sensitive Human Subject Research
- Student Loan Application Information (GLBA)
Contact IT
- N/A
Note: Don't see what you need? Email the I.T. Security Team at [email protected].