Eastern Michigan University
University Library Policy
(In accordance with University Policy for Room Use)
Room Reservations (Policies)
I. Available Rooms
A. The Library has a variety of conference rooms and computer classrooms which may
be reserved by EMU faculty and staff for organization meetings and academically-oriented events:
Organization is defined by: school, unit, administrative department or campus-
recognized student group/organization sanctioned by Campus Life.
II. Who Can Reserve a Room
A. Full-time EMU faculty and staff may reserve rooms. Student staff may not.
B. Graduate Assistants may reserve rooms for teaching purposes with written
permission from their faculty supervisor to [email protected]. The reservation will be made under the supervisor's name.
C. Student Organizations and External Groups:
There is an updated process for student organizations and external groups to use in reserving space in academic buildings. All inquiries should be routed to the Conference & Event Services (CES) Office, led by Meg Castro. CES can be reached at [email protected] or 734-487-4108. CES' priority will be to schedule these groups in spaces that are not primarily academic, such as the Student Center or McKenny. If space is not available in these venues, CES will explore alternatives in the academic buildings. CES will not refer the inquiries to building schedulers, but will work with the building schedulers to schedule such space when needed.
III. Room Usage
A. Authorized use includes: instructional use, academic support meetings/activities/organizations and academic functions sponsored by university-
recognized student organizations and University Library. Examples of academic functions include readings, lectures, debates and educational film showings.
Administrative units may also use the rooms for professional development and training purposes.
B. Top priority will always be given to EMU teaching and course related usage.
C. The Library maintains a conducive study environment; please keep noise to a minimum. Since library users are studying throughout the building, we reserve the right to refuse any request based on our impression of the likely noise level expected from the event.
D. Clients may request a maximum of 4 reservations per month for the same class or organization. Classes are not permitted to schedule their entire semester at the Library, even if it falls under these guidelines; Dean’s Offices in the Colleges will assist in finding classrooms.
E. Requests for multiple rooms for the same purpose may need to be negotiated one month at a time.
F. Room 111 is kept free for library instruction during the months of September, October, January and February. Other reservations will be accepted only one week prior to the requested time during these months.
G. No film or video may be shown in the Library without proof of public performance rights, except where shown in conjunction with an EMU class, and in compliance with copyright laws. See: http://guides.emich.edu/copyright.
H. Rooms are free of charge.
I. Reservations may begin 15 minutes after the building opens. Staff may not be able to open the room right away, however, so leave time on your event agenda for everyone to be able to get into the room and seated.
J. Other than during extended finals hours, reservations will end fifteen minutes before building close.
K. All requests for exceptions should be directed to the Library Administration Office.
IV. How to Reserve a Room
B. In person: Room 200 Library
C. Phone: 734.487.2566
D. Email: [email protected]
E. Please allow 3 business days for reservation processing and notification response
F. The University Library reserves the right to cancel or change bookings and will notify clients within a reasonable time.
V. Equipment
A. Each Halle meeting room includes a screen, projector and computer cart with vhs/dvd player. Requests to use this equipment should be made at the time of reservation or one week prior to the event.
B. Computer lab classrooms include individual and instructor computers, screens, projection and network printers. The Library has 5 computer lab classrooms available. For exceptions in reserving more than 4 labs simultaneously, please contact via email at [email protected], or by phone, 734.487-2564.
C. Arrangements for training on equipment and software on to Library classroom lab computers can be made in advance by calling 734.487.2698. Clients must assume all licensing and acceptable use responsibilities
VI. Room Setups & Food/Drink
A. Tables and chairs must be returned to their original position and trash must be placed in the appropriate trashcans. Additional chairs may be requested, but it is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to set up the seating arrangement. A $50 fee will be assessed if a room is not returned to its original state.
B. Events and meetings are expected to operate within the Library’s food and drink policy. The Library is not the best venue for meal gatherings, conferences or non-academic events because of noise, damage, and the attraction of pests that harm Library materials.
C. No food is to be served at an event being held in a Library conference classroom unless permission from Library Administration has been arranged as part of the room reservation process. Once approval is received, all catering arrangements are to be made in compliance with the University’s catering policy.
D. Under no circumstances is food permitted in computer lab classrooms or the Auditorium. Drinks in covered containers are allowed in all areas except the Auditorium (which allows only bottled water).
E. Carillon Room: Usual setup is 10 large cushioned chairs around the perimeter of the room and 2 eight-foot tables to accommodate food or beverage. We have up to 5 large round tables and 50 folding chairs that we will set up according to your request. This is the only reserved room that is set up upon request.
VII. Room Conditions
A. Each room has a standard capacity and furniture configuration. The client reserving the room is responsible for leaving the room in the same condition in which it was set by the scheduled end time of each event. This includes cleanliness of tables, chairs, and floors, removal of food trash, and the room furniture set up. A minimum $50 fee will be assessed if a room is not returned to its original state. In addition, the advisor or non-student EMU employee completing the request form will be responsible for all charges, fees and any damage resulting from anyone attending the event. This individual will be assessed the full replacement costs for any damaged walls, furniture, audio-visual equipment, or carpeting.
B. Violation of above guidelines will result in loss of booking privileges for the academic year. No bookings will be accepted until the University Library Administration has reviewed the infraction.
Effective date January 2015
Direct questions about this policy to Library Administration
Halle Library, 955 W. Circle Dr, Ypsilanti MI, USA 48197 Phone:734.487.0020
Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA 48197 | 734.487.1849
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