Recital Credit

Check Your Recital Credit


Concert and Recital Attendance Graduation Requirement

Each student must attend a specified number of recitals/concerts (events) to earn their degree, as described below.

Bachelor of Music Performance - 80 events (10 per semester for 8 semesters). For students who transferred to EMU, 10 per semester, while studying at EMU.

All other music degrees - 72 events (9 per semester for 8 semesters). For students who transferred to EMU, 9 per semester, while studying at EMU.


Please see the School of Music & Dance for applicable events (website).

  • Students are strongly encouraged to attend the indicated number of events per semester for their major. Students will receive credit for no more than 30 events per academic year.
  • Music Education and Music Therapy students should complete this requirement before student teaching or internship (exceptions approved by the school director).
  • Students must attend an entire event to receive credit. Students who participate in more than 50% of an event as a performer may not count that event towards the attendance requirement.

EMU Events

  • When available, pick up an attendance card from the greeter (often a faculty member) before the start of the event and return it to the greeter after the event. The faculty member will initial your card and submit it to the Music & Dance office.
  • Submit your ticket stub (for ticketed events) or program (for non-ticketed events) to the Music & Dance office within 14 days of the event.  Be sure that both your name and EID are listed on the ticket stub or program.

Requesting recital credit without a program or ticket:

All School of Music & Dance concerts and recital should have a printed program.  But if programs run out or you otherwise find yourself without a program to turn in from a School of Music & Dance event, here is how you can request recital credit:

  • Take a picture of yourself (a “selfie”) at the event, with the stage visible
    • Please do not disrupt the performance to do so.
    • Before or immediately after the performance is appropriate.
  • Send your photo to [email protected] with the following subject:
    • Subject = Recital Credit - [Event NAME] [Event DATE]
    • Example Subject = Recital Credit - Symphonic Band Concert 10-10-2024
  • Send your photo within 24 hours of the event, preferably immediately thereafter
  • Photos received after 24 hours will not be approved for recital credit

Non-EMU Events

  • Submit your ticket stub (for ticketed events) or program (for non-ticketed events) to the Music & Dance office within 14 days of the event.  Be sure that both your name and EID are listed on the ticket stub or program.
  • Unless approved in advance by the school director, performances must be by university or professional level musicians.  
  • Unless approved in advance by the school director, non-EMU events must represent a form of music taught at EMU (classical, contemporary art music, jazz, etc.).

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