Program Overview

Review details of our Advanced Special Education Graduate Certificate online

Earn an additional special education endorsement on your Michigan teaching license with the online Advanced Special Education Teaching Endorsement Graduate Certificate from Eastern Michigan University. Choose from the following areas of endorsement: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Cognitive Impairment, Emotional Impairment, Learning Disabilities or Physical/Other Health Impairment.

Featuring 100% online coursework, this CAEP-accredited program is ideal for working educators. You must have a teaching license and at least one special education endorsement to apply for this certificate.

In this online graduate certificate program, you will gain:

  • Understanding of the theory of learning from a neurological perspective and engagement in strong field experiences connecting theory to reality
  • Competence to set up and maintain conditions and procedures of instruction suitable to the learning goals set for the individual student
  • Ability to use appropriate techniques with the student to help develop the self-management skills required for constructive social participation and independent learning
  • Aptitude to develop philosophies and professional beliefs relative to behavior management and social competence, based on reviews of theoretical perspectives, legal mandates, curriculum, instructional delivery and research-based effective practices
  • Proficiency in exploring the selection, uses and evaluation of a broad base of instructional methods addressing the needs of students with disabilities in a full continuum of special education settings

Also available:

Eastern Michigan University offers a variety of graduate education programs and a post-master’s certificate online. Check out our other online education programs.

Program Details

$512 Per Credit Hour 

As few as 15 months 

21-22 Credit Hours

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Tuition and Fees

Benefit from budget-friendly tuition

Whether you reside in or out of state, the Advanced Special Education Graduate Certificate online program offers the same affordable, pay-as-you-go tuition.

*Program Total does not include any additional applicable course fees, standard textbook fees or course materials.

Tuition Breakdown

$512 Per Credit Hour

For more information regarding Tuition and Fees, please visit Student Business Services.


Get started—mark these dates on your calendar

The Advanced Special Education Graduate Certificate online program is convenient and accessible, featuring multiple start dates each year. View the full calendar to find the class start that works best for you, along with deadlines for submitting your application, enrolling in courses and paying tuition.

Now Enrolling

March 3 - Start Winter II 2025 Classes

May 5 - Start Summer I 2025 Classes


What you need for admission to this online graduate certificate

We’ve streamlined the admission process for the Advanced Special Education Graduate Certificate online program. Please review all admission requirements, what additional materials you should send and where you need to send them.

Admission Requirements:

  • Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution
  • Valid teaching certificate with a special education endorsement
  • Undergrad GPA of at least 2.7 on a 4.0 scale

View all admission requirements:

Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation

All professional education programs in the Eastern Michigan University College of Education are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and approved by the Michigan Department of Education.


Browse courses for this online graduate certificate

To earn the Advanced Special Education Graduate Certificate online, students must complete a minimum of 21 credit hours. Students will take 11-12 credit hours of coursework in their selected endorsement area and 6 credit hours of restricted elective courses. Additionally, students will take a 4 credit hour practicum course. As an online student, you will take all your classes with EMU instructors, just like you would if you were on campus.

In addition to successful completion of all coursework, including the practicum, students will need to pass the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) in their endorsement area in order to have the endorsement added to their teaching certificate.

  • Required Practicum Expand dropdown

    All candidates are required to complete the following practicum course:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders Expand dropdown
    • SPAI 620: Dimensions of Autism Spectrum Disorders Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      The focus of this course will be to introduce students to information and literature regarding characteristics of ASD and Asperger’s Syndrome (AS), its prevalence, theories on etiology, evidence based intervention models, formal and informal models of assessment and its impact on schools.
    • SPAI 635: Language and Communication in ASD Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      This course examines the critical relationship of language and communication skills for children and adolescents with ASD, including the characteristics of speech and language and communication development and strategies for assessing and improving communication in the classroom, at home and in the community.
    • SPAI 645: Curriculum and Instructional Strategies in ASD Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      Identification of best practices in curriculum design, instructional strategies and techniques are the pivotal components of this course. Students will investigate Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and will develop curricular framework which support the unique learning styles of students with ASD and which permit students the greatest access to education within inclusive settings.
    • SPAI 650: Visual Supports and Literacy in ASD Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      Participants will demonstrate how the learning, communication, socialization skills and behavioral challenges of students with ASD can be addressed through the use of visual supports and other forms of literacy. Students will understand the relationship between unsupported learning for students with ASD and learn to use visual schedules and other forms of visual support.


  • Cognitive Impairment Expand dropdown
    • SPCI 529: Education of Students in Programs for Mild Cognitive Impairment and High Incidence Disabilities Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      Students will develop knowledge and skills necessary to the education of students with mild cognitive impairment and other high incidence disabilities in the inclusive general education classroom or cross-categorical self-contained classroom. Topics include clinical and diagnostic teaching, evidence-based curriculums, effective instructional methods and strategies for academic subjects, academic behavior management, IEP development and implementation, and lesson modifications and classroom accommodations. Field Experience is required.
    • SPCI 557: Cognitive Impairment Theory Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      This course introduces students to the field of cognitive impairments and related developmental disabilities from perspectives of different systems. Focus is on the medical, historical, political, educational and adult systems that affect persons with cognitive impairment. The range of philosophies influencing educational practices and life management will be discussed.
    • SPCI 583: Education of Students in Programs for Moderate or Severe Cognitive Impairment Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      Philosophy, curriculum, assessment, teaching methods and classroom management techniques for students with moderate or severe cognitive impairment, or with multiple impairments. A three-hour per week field experience is an integral component of the course.

  • Emotional Impairment Expand dropdown
    • SPEI 501: Methods for Students with Emotional Impairment Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      Teaching methods, techniques and materials for educating elementary age children with emotional impairments will be presented. In addition, types of programs serving elementary age students with emotional impairment, as well as the individualized education program and federal and state rules governing the programs will be discussed.
    • SPEI 510: Theories of Emotional-Behavioral Impairments Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      Theories about the etiology of emotional-behavioral impairments is explored and applied to cases that involve children and adolescents. Emphasis is on the ability to analyze abnormal behaviors discussed in a variety of texts from different theoretical perspectives for the purpose of identifying appropriate intervention treatments. A field component is required.
    • SPEI 694: Emotional Impairment Seminar Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      Review and discussion of contemporary issues in the education of students with emotional impairments. Includes analysis of current research for teachers to implement in their classrooms as well as to advocate for systemic change. Topics for future research may be determined.

  • Learning Disabilities Expand dropdown
    • SPLI 560: Learning Disabilities: Introduction to the Field Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      This course introduces students to the learning disabilities field: theory, history, and terminology. Additionally, this course will present in-depth information on processing skills and provide practical skills for identifying the link between academic strengths and weaknesses. This course exposes students to various service delivery models. It offers opportunities to observe individuals with learning disabilities and/or other mild disabilities in three different classroom settings to equal 30 hours of observation.
    • SPLI 630: Learning Disabilities: Math and Motor Skills Development Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      This course focuses on integrated curriculum (PreK–12) in special education across the areas of mathematics and motor development. Students will gain decision-making experiences in the selection of effective teaching/learning approaches, and explore the selection, uses an evaluation of a broad base of instructional methods and strategies addressing the needs of students with disabilities in a full continuum of special education settings.
    • SPLI 641: Learning Disabilities: Writing and Documentation Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      A study of how to document and convey the educational and psychological needs of students with learning and other mild disabilities. Based on knowledge of educational setting options, evidence-based instructional strategies, and appropriate assessment techniques, students will write collaborative documents such as IEPs and accommodation plans.
    • SPLI 672: Integrated Curriculum in Special Education: Linguistics and Language Arts Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      This course focuses on the development of effective decision-making strategies in the selection of appropriate teaching/learning approaches in linguistics and language arts. Students will explore selection, uses and evaluation of a broad base of instructional methods and strategies addressing the needs of K–12 students with disabilities.

  • Physical and Other Health Impairment Expand dropdown
    • SPCI 557: Cognitive Impairment Theory Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      This course introduces students to the field of cognitive impairments and related developmental disabilities from perspectives of different systems. Focus is on the medical, historical, political, educational and adult systems that affect persons with cognitive impairment. The range of philosophies influencing educational practices and life management will be discussed.
    • SPPI 513: Impact of Illness and Disability PI/OHI Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      The impact of chronic illness and physical disability on symptoms, diagnoses, treatments, and prognoses to understand the manifestation of MARSE chronic illness and physical disability. Adaptive/medically necessary equipment, health intervention, and maintenance procedures will be learned with the knowledge of the individual disciplines outside of education that provide ancillary services.
    • SPPI 514: Educational Strategies for Teachers of the Physically Impaired Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      This course encompasses information and develops skills needed to develop, implement, and evaluate curriculum and methods for the preschool and elementary physically and otherwise health impaired student. All aspects of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor education are explored. Emphasis is placed upon individualized instruction and programming, adaptations and modification of instructional methods and materials, remediation, communication, problem-solving, decision-making, personal adjustment, prevocational education and leisure activities. A directed classroom laboratory is required.

  • Restricted Electives Expand dropdown

    Choose 6 credits (2 classes) from among the following options: 

    • EDPS 509: Students' Emotional Wellness in Educational Environments Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      Deals theoretically and practically with concerns of teachers and parents regarding deterrents to students’ psychological wellness. Focuses on ecological factors as stressors and strategies to lessen their effects on learners.
    • CURR 650: Improving Instruction through Inquiry Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      An examination of motivation as applied to various educational settings and across cultural contexts. Emphasis is on strategies that may influence motivation in self and others.
    • CURR 674: Creating Culturally Responsive Classrooms Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      The purpose of this class is to further develop students’ cultural competency and multicultural teaching skills to create culturally responsive classrooms with learning environments where all students feel safe, affirmed and nurtured.
    • SPGN 640: Principles of Positive Behavioral Supports in Universal Design for Learning Expand dropdown
      Duration: 7.5 weeks
      This course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop, implement, and evaluate the impact of positive behavioral supports (PBS) for individuals with disabilities. It will include understanding the role of universal design, communication in challenging behavior, identifying the functions of those behaviors, measuring the behaviors, teaching replacement skills serving the same function as the challenging behavior, and using preventative approaches for target behaviors. Measurement of baseline behavior along with implementation of interventions to increase or reduce target behaviors are the focus of this process.

    • SPGN 661: Advanced Special Education Assessment Expand dropdown
      Duration: 15 weeks
      Data-based procedures for making educational decisions regarding special education eligibility, program placement, and intervention will be examined. In addition, students will learn best practices in assessment administration and how to communicate and use results effectively. Multiple opportunities for practice and feedback are included.


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Additional Resources

Interested in learning more? Explore our academic resources for information about programs, calendars, academic support, and so much more. While you're there don't forget to visit our five colleges. Our Graduate School provides a wealth of information to help you navigate your graduate education journey. Ready to get started? Just click Apply Now to begin the application process.