Elizabeth Neilson

A photo of Elizabeth Neilson

Assistant Professor, Director of Community Behavioral Health Clinic


Suite 300 1075 North Huron River Drive


[email protected]


  • Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
  • Clinical Psychology Internship, Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Houston, TX
  • MPH, Health Behavior and Health Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
  • MSW, Interpersonal Practice in Mental Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
  • BA, Psychology and Women’s Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Interests and Expertise

My research interests lie at the confluence of gender-based violence, substance use, and reproductive health. Gender-based violence refers to any act perpetrated against another person’s freely given consent and is based in gender norms and unequal power relationships. Central to the mission of my research is the prevention and intervention of gender-based violence. I am particularly interested in identifying and intervening in the individual- and event-level risk factors for alcohol-involved, sexual assault perpetration. I am also interested in risk reduction and interventions focused on the well-being of gender-based violence survivors. My research is interdisciplinary and integrates theories and methods from clinical and health psychology, public health, and social work. In particular, my lab employs frameworks such as alcohol myopia theory, alcohol expectancy theory, and motives for alcohol use to understand gender-based violence and reproductive health. To answer these questions, my students and I employ a variety of methods, including laboratory-based, alcohol administration studies and ecological momentary assessment. I am passionate about collaborating with colleagues and students and mentoring the next generation of researchers. More information may be found here.


  • PSY 885 Models and Methods of Delivering Supervision

Publications and Presentations

* Denotes mentee

  • Neilson, E. C., Maitland, D. W. M., & George, W. H. (in press). Power-related emotions, alcohol intoxication, and non-consensual sex intentions: The role of fear of intimacy. Sexual Abuse. Advanced online publication. doi:10.1177/10790632221096420
  • Eakins, D. R., Neilson, E. C., Stappenbeck, C. A., Nguyen, H. V., Davis, K. C., & George, W. H. (in press). Alcohol intoxication and sexual risk intentions: Exploring cultural factors among heavy drinking women. Addictive Behaviors, 131. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2022.107314
  • Davis, K.C., Neilson, E.C., Bird, E.R., Kirwan, M., George, W.H., Eldridge, N., & Stappenbeck, C.A. (2022). The interplay of sexual arousal and power-related emotions in men’s alcohol-involved sexual aggression. Journal of Sex Research, 59(6), 765-779. doi:10.1080/00224499.2021.1972923
  • Neilson, E.C., Gulati, N.K., Stappenbeck, C.A., George, W.H., & Davis, K.C. (2021). Emotion regulation and intimate partner violence perpetration in college samples: A review of the literature. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse. Advance online only. doi:10.1177/15248380211036063
  • Neilson, E.C., *Smith, L., Davis, K.C., & George, W.H. (2021). Acute alcohol intoxication, state anger, and sexual assault perpetration: The role of state emotion regulation. Psychology of Violence. Advance online only. doi:10.1037/vio0000381
  • Davis, K.C., Neilson, E.C., Kirwan, M., Eldridge, N., George, W.H., & Stappenbeck, C.A. (2020). Alcohol-involved sexual aggression: Emotion regulation as a mechanism of behavior change. Health Psychology. Advance online publication. doi:10/1037/hea0001048
  • Neilson, E.C., Singh, R., Harper, K.L., & Teng, E.J. (2020). Traditional masculine ideology, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom severity, and treatment in service members and veterans: A systematic review. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 21(4), 578-592. doi:10.1037/men0000257
  • Neilson, E. C., Gilmore, A., Stappenbeck, C.A., Gulati, N.K., *Neilon, E., George, W.H., & Davis, K.C. (2019). Psychological abuse, partner pressure, and alcohol: The roles of in-the-moment condom negotiation efficacy and condom-decision abdication on women’s intentions to engage in condomless sex. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Online access only. doi:10.1177/0886260519857160
  • Davis, K. C., Neilson, E. C., Wegner, R., & Danube, C. (2018). The intersection of men’s sexual violence perpetration and sexual risk behavior: A literature review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 40, 83-90. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2018.04.001.
  • Neilson, E.C., Bird, E., Metzger, I. W., George, W.H., Norris, J., & Gilmore, A.K. (2018). Understanding sexual assault risk perception in college: Relationships among sexual assault history, drinking to cope, and alcohol use. Addictive Behaviors 78, 178-186. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2017.11.022 
  • Staples, J. M., Neilson, E. C., Bryan, A. E. B., & George, W. H. (2017). The role of minority stress in suicidal ideation and non-suicidal self-injury among transgender adults. Journal of Sex Research, 55, 591-603. doi:10.1080/00224499.2017.1393651
  • Staples, J., Neilson, E. C., George, W. H., Flaherty, B., & Davis, K. C. (2017). A descriptive analysis of alcohol behaviors across gender identity subgroups within a sample of transgender adults. Addictive Behaviors, 76, 355-362. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2017.08.017
  • Neilson, E. C., Eakins, D. R., Davis, K.C., Norris, J., & George, W.H. (2017). The influence of depressive symptoms, acute alcohol intoxication, and risk rationale effects on men’s condom use resistance. Journal of Sex Research. doi:10.1080/00224499.2016.1217500
  • Neilson, E. C., Norris, J., Bryan, A. E. B., & Stappenbeck, C. A. (2016). Adult sexual assault and depression as longitudinal predictors of the quality of sexual experiences. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. doi:10.1080/0092623X.2016.1208127
  • Neilson, E.C., Gilmore, A. K., Pinsky, H.T, Shepard, M.E, Lewis, M., & George, W.H. (2015). The use of drinking and sexual assault protective behavioral strategies: Associations with sexual victimization and revictimization among college women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi:10.1177/0886260515603977
  • Levin, D.S., Ward, L.M., & Neilson, E.C. (2012). Formative sexual communications, sexual agency and coercion, and youth sexual health. Social Science Review, 86(3), 487-516. doi:10.1086/667785

Additional Information
