EMU Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity

Undergraduate Research Stimulus Program

The Undergraduate Research Stimulus Program (URSP) is intended to facilitate research partnerships between undergraduate students and Eastern Michigan University faculty.

Successful student applicants will receive a $2,200 fellowship in support of their research efforts. The collaborating faculty member may receive $600, which can be used for lab/studio supplies or equipment, professional travel, or other professional expenses. Please see the following links for detailed information:

Resources & Information

  • Undergraduate Research Stimulus Program Application Expand dropdown

    Applicants must submit their applications electronically, logging in with your EMU credential.

    Application portal will be posted no later than 30 days prior to deadline.

    Submission dates to associate provost and associate vice president for Graduate Studies and Research:

    • May 22, 11:59 p.m. for Fall Special Round
    • November 2, 11:59 p.m. for Winter Awards
    • February 17 , 11:59 p.m. for Summer Awards

    Winter awards require student to be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits. Summers award require minimum of 6 credits or an Intent to Enroll form on file with the University Advising & Career Development Center. The form should indicate the student will enroll in a minimum of 6 credit hours in the following fall semester.

    The Internal Research Programs are overseen by the associate provost and associate vice president for Graduate Studies and Research, located in 200 Boone Hall. Please, feel free to contact the Graduate School at [email protected] or 734-487-0042 with any questions or concerns about these programs.

  • EMU Resources for Undergraduate Research or Creative Projects Expand dropdown

    Undergraduate Research Stimulus Program

    Students earn $2,200 to work on a project and faculty mentors receive $600 to support the work. Any student participating in a mentored research or creative project with tenure-track faculty may apply.

    Two deadlines annually:  November 2 for winter awards and February 17 for summer awards (both close at 11:59 PM). 

    McNair Scholars Program

    Students intending to pursue master's or doctoral degrees receive multiple forms of support to assist them in completing their undergraduate degrees and applying to graduate schools.

    Honors Undergraduate Fellowships

    Students are awarded $1500 to work on special projects including mentored research and creative projects. Applicants must be a members of the Honors College.

    Two deadlines annually:  November 1 for winter awards and April 1 for summer and fall awards.  

    Undergraduate Symposium Scholarships

    Scholarships are available to any student who has participated in the most recent Undergraduate Symposium. Awards are worth from $300-$800 for the following fall semester.  Awards of $1000 are available for graduating seniors who are continuing on to graduate work at EMU.

  • Events for Undergraduate Research or Creative Activities Expand dropdown

    Undergraduate Symposium

    March 31, 2023 | Annual conference for undergraduates to present research and scholarly activity, give performances, or display artwork or technologically innovative designs. Submit your abstract. Abstract submissions deadline:  January 20.

    Undergraduate Conference in Philosophy at EMU

    March 18 and 19, 2023 | Paper submissions (accepted through January 6)

    2023 Machine Learning Conference at EMU

    April 1, 2023 | Register and submit abstracts (through March 1)


Internal Research Awards
200 Boone Hall
[email protected] | 734.487.0042

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