Student Intervention Team

Are you concerned about someone in your class, but don't know what to do about it? Are you aware of a student who is making poor decisions with alcohol or other substances?


The Student Intervention Team (SIT) addresses reports of troubling (inappropriate, disruptive, or harmful) student behavior in order to recommend proactive and non-punitive approaches aimed at helping students achieve success.

The SIT, in its performance of its mission:

  • Balances the individual needs of the student with those of the greater campus community.
  • Provides a structured positive process for addressing behaviors of concern that impact the campus community.
  • Manages each case individually.
  • Initiates proper intervention.
  • Establishes a protocol of instructions for communication, coordination, and intervention in each case.
  • Centralizes the collection and assessment of concerns raised by a student's behavior by a reporter(s) and "connects the dots" of disparate problematic actions involving that individual.
  • Coordinates follow-up to ensure that services, support, and resources are utilized effectively.

The Student Intervention Team is NOT a crisis or emergency response team, but provides a system for proactive intervention to student behaviors of concern in order to reduce disruption and facilitate a safe, respectful, and productive learning, living, and work environment.

Team Composition

The team is chaired by the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students and represents a cross section of campus professionals. The team includes representatives from:

  • Counseling and Psychological Services
  • Dean of Students Office
  • Department of Public Safety
  • Disability Resource Center
  • Housing and Residence Life
  • Legal Affairs
  • Ombuds Office
  • Provost's Office
  • Wellness and Community Responsibility


The SIT meets weekly. Additional meetings are held as needed in special cases.

Referrals to SIT

One unique aspect of the SIT is that it serves as a central place to report behaviors of concern. Any person who is concerned with a student's behavior can make a referral by submitting a CARE Report.

Referrals to SIT can take different forms:

  • Online report
  • Phone call*
  • Direct report to team member*
  • Direct report by SIT member

* Typically, reporters are asked to complete the online CARE Report.

Report Management

The SIT follows a review process to address the Care Report at regularly scheduled meetings or, if necessary, at special meetings. The resolution of an expression of concern is always governed by a course of action that balances the best interest of the student with those of the University community.

CARE Reports can be submitted 24/7. Every SIT member:

  • Receives notification of the submission of a new report shortly after its submission
  • Is expected to open and review new reports as soon as possible after receipt. Note: The SIT Chair and Director of Counseling and Psychological Services will review new reports as soon as possible after receipt to determine if action is necessary prior to the next scheduled SIT meeting.
  • Enters relevant data to the CARE Report such as: conduct standing, campus residency status, etc.
  • Is expected to be familiar with each new case to be discussed at the upcoming SIT meeting.
  • Is expected to follow through on assigned care actions as determined in the SIT meeting and record those actions in the CARE Reports.

The SIT uses a case management process for administration of the CARE Reports.

The SIT Meeting Process

The following is led by the SIT Chair:

  1. Reports are discussed in the order in which they were received. Each report has an identifiable number assigned.
  2. Discussion involved for each report focuses on the following questions:
    • Who is the reporter?
    • What is the relationship of the reporter to the individual being reported?
    • What background information do we have on the student of concern?
    • Is this an "FYI" only report that does not require any immediate actions?
    • Is the behavior being described within the parameters of what the SIT is supposed to manage? If not, what is the recommended action and which team member should conduct the follow-up with the reporter and other identified parties?
    • What is the level of concern/threat for the student and the campus community members?

Post SIT Meeting

  • SIT members complete assigned care actions and document them in the CARE Report.
  • SIT Chair reviews each "monitored" report prior to the next SIT meeting to determine whether to close the report as "resolved" or bring it back to the SIT's next meeting for further discussion.

If you want to alert the Student Intervention Team about an EMU student you are concerned about, submit a CARE Report.

If this is a crisis situation such as a risk of harm to self or others, notify the Department of Public Safety (DPS) immediately at 734.487.1222.