Report an Incident

Eastern Michigan University strives to create a safe, respectful, non-threatening working and learning environment for our students, faculty, staff, and guests. However, there may be times when an individual demonstrates behavior that is inappropriate, disruptive, worrisome, threatening, or violates a university policy. When these circumstances occur, it is imperative that the University have the opportunity to address these issues.

If your concern involves an immediate safety risk to self or others, call EMU Police at 734.487.1222 or dial 911.

Please review the descriptions below to determine which reporting format best fits the situation you observed or experienced or which describes the concerns you may have.

Types of Reporting

  • Report a Sexual Misconduct Incident to the Title IX Coordinator Expand dropdown

    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex under any education program or activity receiving federal financial aid. Sexual assault and sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX.

    Eastern Michigan University is committed to providing a learning, living, and working environment free from discrimination. Any gender-based discrimination, including sexual misconduct, which includes but is not limited to sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, relationship violence, and sexual exploitation committed by EMU students, staff, or faculty, will not be tolerated. This applies to academic, education, athletic, residential, and other university-operated programs. Eastern Michigan University encourages individuals who believe they have been sexually harassed, assaulted, or subjected to sexual misconduct by an EMU student or employee to seek assistance.

    While compliance with the law is everyone's responsibility at EMU, the person designated to handle inquiries of sex discrimination is:

    Matthew Gregory
    Title IX Coordinator
    Student Center Suite 250
    [email protected]

    Any student, faculty, staff, or guests who have concerns about sex discrimination or sexual misconduct are encouraged to seek the assistance of the Title IX Coordinator.

    If your concern involves an immediate safety risk to self or others, please call EMU Police at 734.487.1222 or dial 911.

    Submit a sexual misconduct incident.

  • Connect with our Dean of Students Expand dropdown

    The Dean of Students Office works with students, student families, faculty, and staff to create a culture of care designed to enhance students’ academic and personal success.

    Contact Us: Dean of Student, 734.487.1107, FAX: 734.481.0050, [email protected], 246 Student Center

    Attendance Concerns

    When a student must miss class for an extended medical, mental health, or personal reason, the Dean of Students Office may notify faculty. Students must submit an absence notification form, a completed and signed confidentiality waiver, and proper documentation for the absence.

    Click Here for More Information About Attendance Concerns 

    Death of a Student

    The Dean of Students Office serves as the primary institutional contact office for the EMU campus in instances of student death. The Dean of Students Office will contact and serve as the University liaison to the family. In addition, the Dean of Students Office will implement the University Student Death Notice process.

    Click Here For More Information

  • Report Concerning or Worrisome Student Behavior to the Student Intervention Team (SIT) Expand dropdown

    As a member of the EMU community, you have the ability to be able to identify signs of distress and connect students to supportive services. Our goal is for everyone to be safe and successful.

    The Student Intervention Team (SIT) was formed to address reports of concerning or worrisome student behavior in order to recommend proactive and non-punitive approaches aimed at helping students achieve academic success. The SIT is a cross-functional team that assesses, refers, and/or responds to issues of concerning or worrisome student behavior in a coordinated and comprehensive manner with dignity and respect to help them succeed and to ensure the safety of the university community as a whole.

    If you are concerned about a student's overall well-being or mental health and would like the University to follow up, please make a referral to the SIT using the CARE Report link below.

    If your concern involves an immediate safety risk to self or others, please call EMU Police at 734.487.1222 or dial 911.

    The CARE Report system is monitored Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. For questions regarding SIT, please contact Ellen Gold, Dean of Students, at 734.487.1107.

    Submit a CARE report.

  • Report an Incident to the Office of Wellness & Community Responsibility Expand dropdown

    As a member of the EMU community, you have the ability to be able to identify signs of disruptive, threatening, and illegal behavior, as well as file a complaint alleging a violation of the Student Code of Community Responsibility.

    The Office of Wellness & Community Responsibility (OWCR) is responsible for upholding the integrity and purpose of the institution through the fair and consistent application of policies and procedures to students' behavior to ensure a community that respects the dignity and rights of all persons to reach their highest potential.

    OWCR receives and reviews allegations of misconduct of EMU Students as outlined in the Student Code of Community Responsibility. The Student Code of Community Responsibility provides the full list of expectations for how students should behave and what behaviors are prohibited.

    If your concern involves an immediate safety risk to self or others, please call EMU Police at 734.487.1222 or dial 911.

    The Incident Report system is monitored Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. For questions regarding Incident Reports, please contact the Office of Student Conduct, Community Standards, and Wellness at 734.487.2157.

    Submit an incident report.

  • Report a Complaint to the Office of Diversity & Affirmative Action Expand dropdown

    EMU takes all allegations of discrimination and harassment seriously and is committed to providing an environment free of unlawful discrimination and harassment.

    The Office of Diversity and Affirmative Action (D&AA) has prepared the following procedures to be used for a complaint investigation to allow all parties an opportunity to understand the general direction of the process of an investigation. These procedures apply to complaints of all applicable federal and state equal opportunity and discrimination violation allegations raised by employees, students, or third parties against a faculty, staff member, or third party, such as a vendor or visitor to EMU. The Office of Diversity and Affirmative Action may deviate from these procedures as necessary to achieve the goals of prompt, thorough, and effective resolution of the matter at hand.

    To file a complaint, visit the website linked above for the complete process and complaint form. 

  • Submit an Anonymous Report to the Academic Integrity Committee Expand dropdown

    The Academic Integrity Committee fosters an environment of safe and responsible research conduct at EMU by providing training and education in Responsible Conduct of Research as well as investigating allegations of research or scientific misconduct.

    Definition of Research Misconduct

    Research Misconduct is a knowing or intentional act of:

    • Falsification: recording or reporting of made-up data or records;
    • Fabrication: manipulating data, equipment, research processes so that the research is misrepresented in the research record or report. Fabrication includes changing or omitting data; OR
    • Plagiarism: appropriation, stealing, or publication of another person's ideas, work, or results without giving credit

    To qualify as research misconduct, the actions must be inconsistent with accepted professional or academic practices. Allegations of research misconduct must be proven by a preponderance of the evidence (i.e., the evidence has to show that the allegation is more likely true than not). Please see the EMU Policy on Research Misconduct for more information.

    Submit an anonymous report.

  • Submit an Anonymous Ethics and Compliance Report Expand dropdown

    Eastern Michigan University strives to ensure responsibility and accountability. We believe that every person at every level within the university has an obligation to perform their duties with the highest degree of honesty and integrity. Only when this occurs can we ensure that we are meeting our educational and business obligations, observing our values and protecting our reputation.

    Your voice is important to the university. Eastern Michigan University relies on you to speak up if you believe you have observed unethical, illegal, or suspicious behavior. When you speak up, you provide the information necessary to remedy the situation. Such situations may pertain to:

    • Ethics and Compliance issues, such as financial reporting, compliance with Federal and State of Michigan laws and regulations
    • Employee Relations, Human Resources and Equal Opportunity, such as harassment, discrimination, scheduling/time abuse or disciplinary action
    • Environmental Health and Safety, such as MIOSHA violations and hazardous waste disposal
    • Loss Prevention and Asset Protection, such as threats and violence, alcohol/drug abuse, or internal theft

    When it comes to any of the above issues, silence doesn't help. It hurts. The Anonymous Ethics and Compliance report enables you to confidentially, anonymously and openly communicate a suspicion of misconduct. Be assured that you will never be retaliated against or punished in any way for reporting your concerns in good faith.

    Submit an anonymous ethics and compliance report.

  • Not Sure Where to Report an Incident? Expand dropdown

    If you have an incident you would like to report, but do not know where to go or who to talk to, the Office of the Ombuds serves as a resource to be able to assist in pointing you in the right direction.

    Office of the Ombuds
    248 Student Center
    [email protected]

    Schedule an Appointment with the Office of the Ombuds if you are a student.

    Schedule an Appointment with the Office of the Ombuds if you are a faculty member, staff member, or administrator.