Sustainability @ EMU
Eastern Michigan University (EMU) is an institution which anybody affiliated with it would like to see prosper into the future and be positioned to overcome any economic, environmental or social crisis that it may face. For years EMU has engaged in several sustainable initiatives for which large parts of the EMU community and the world are not aware. In the menu we highlight the academic programs, infrastructure and practices present at EMU that help lead us toward the ideal of sustainability. Our sustainability framework uses the STARS rating system as our guiding document for how to continuously improve the strength of sustainability at EMU. STARS has been adopted as a rating system by several hundred universities throughout the world. It allows us to compare, strategically plan, communicate and celebrate our accomplishments. STARS consists of measurable sustainability credits, the measures of which will be updated in the sustainability framework page as we measure and aim to improve our sustainability rating.
Sustainability requires a system-thinking approach to accomplish. The President's Sustainability Commission, made up of a broad array of offices and people across the entire University, will do its best to represent the EMU community to make EMU a sustainable institution, but we will be better served in our mission if all diverse viewpoints are represented. For that reason it will take the entire EMU community to achieve the ideal of sustainability, like it will take the entire world to ensure the sustainability of our entire planet. You can simply become involved by giving us your thoughts through Facebook or email. If you would like to become more involved, please check out our Getting Involved page. Donations are always appreciated. These donations can be made to help EMU become sustainable and we will provide specific initiatives with funding goals for you to target your donations.