Eastern Michigan University
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Nanoparticle Dispersions with Ionic Liquid-Based Stabilizers

Technology #3021.1

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We report the direct preparation of SWCNT nanolatex dispersions by mixing and joint ultrasonication, resulting in well dispersed systems with SWCNT concentrations of about 0.5% by weight. This is essentially competitive with the most concentrated aqueous suspensions reported and 5-100 fold more concentrated than most of the surfactant and polymer stabilization and dispersion studies in water previously reported.

Applications, in view of the adhesion to polypropylene and ABS, as well as to metals and cellulose-based substrates, include thermally absorbing coatings for light activated sealing, antistatic discharge layers, ink jet writable conductive layers and RFID devices, and a general solution to making plastic components more amenable to electrospray and electrodeposition coating operations. This last application area should greatly increase the range of plastic materials than can be substituted for metals in vehicle design and manufacture.

The Technology Transfer Office is located in Boone Hall, Suite 200 | 734.487.3090 |

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