Eastern Michigan University

Students Getting Started

Step-by-Step Instructions for Getting Started

  1. Obtain a Turnitin.com Class ID and enrollment password from your instructor.

  2. Go to http://www.turnitin.com and click the "Create Account" link to the left of the 'Sign In' button. Follow the online instructions. You will need the Class ID and password provided by your instructor to create a Turnitin profile.

A Student Quickstart is available online at Turnitin.com.

Student Submitted Assignments

All student submitted papers to Turnitin.com are included as source documents in the Turnitin.com reference database for the purpose of detecting textual similarity, and become part of the Turnitin repository unless the instructor disables this function for a particular assignment. Instructors using the service should include the following statement in their syllabus:

"Turnitin.com is a web-based service that compares submitted student text against a database of millions of previously submitted documents, including those on the public Internet, a proprietary collection of published articles, as well as every student paper ever submitted to Turnitin.com, including previously submitted EMU papers. When similarities between student text and an existing document are found, Turnitin highlights those similarities in an annotated document, displaying both the student text and the original source(s). Detection of similarities does not mean plagiarism has occurred, as the overlapping text might be properly referenced and cited. In this course you may be asked to submit assignments to Turnitin.com for textual similarity review. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the Turnitin.com database solely for the purpose of detecting textual similarity."

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