Register for Classes

The University Advising and Career Development Center (UACDC) supports you with answers, guidance and assistance while you’re planning your higher education. On this page, you can find important information on how to establish your class level, properly register for courses and ensure you get the most out of your time at EMU.

Class Registration Tips

  • Registration appointments can be found on the Records and Registration website.
  • The date and time in which you can register is determined by the number of credits you have previously earned.
  • When you register make sure to keep track of the days and times you already selected for your other classes to avoid time conflicts.
  • Fifteen minutes is enough time to get from one class to the other.
  • Classes are held in person, hybrid model, online with designated meeting times, and online without designated meeting times. Make sure these are noted before you register.

Watch: How to Register for Classes at EMU

For a step-by-step guide on how to register for classes, watch the How to Register for Classes at EMU video below:


Class Registration FAQ

  • How do I register for classes? Expand dropdown

    In order to register for classes, you need to have been admitted to EMU. If you have not yet been admitted, contact the Office of Admissions.

    Before registering for classes:

    • Do not try to register prior to your assigned day and time.
    • Know the CRNs of all the classes you want to register for in advance.
    • Resolve time conflicts between various classes before you try to register.
    • Check the course catalog to verify that you have met all the prerequisites for restrictions required for every course.
    • Make sure there are no outstanding financial holds on your student account.
    • Obtain any necessary departmental permissions prior to registration.
    • Select all the various required sections of the course. For example a course which has lecture, lab and recitation.
    • Ensure you are aware of all semester deadlines, including those for part of terms (P/T) outside of the normal 15 week schedule.
    • Note that the 100% deadline and the census date for each semester are the same based on the 15 week schedule.
  • How do I determine my class level? Expand dropdown

    Knowing when you become a sophomore, junior, etc. is important when registering for classes. Credits are determined by units of work completed. One credit hour is granted for participation in a course that meets 50 minutes per week for 15 weeks.

    (Credits earned on a term or quarter-hours basis at other institutions are converted to EMU credit hours by multiplying by two-thirds.)

    Class levels are determined by the academic hours completed as follows:

    • Freshman: 0–24 hours
    • Sophomore: 25–55 hours
    • Junior: 56–84 hours
    • Senior: 85 or over hours
  • How should I choose my classes? Expand dropdown

    It's strongly recommended you make contact with your appropriate advisor before selecting your classes. At Eastern, different academic and faculty advisors counsel students at different times during their college careers.

    What stage you are currently in will determine who you should speak about choosing classes for your program of study.

  • I'm having trouble registering. Expand dropdown

    The following are some common reasons why students may have difficulty or are unable to register:

    • You were admitted or re-enrolled for a term, but did not register and need to update your admission.
    • You have been academically dismissed and need to be readmitted [PDF].
    • You are trying to register before your appointment time.
    • You have an academic or financial hold.
    • You are a new undergraduate or second bachelor’s student and have not contacted the University Advising and Career Development Center.
    • All new students need to meet with an academic advisor in their program of study prior to registering for their first semester at EMU. Find an academic advisor.
    • You have not registered for eight or more consecutive terms and need to re-enroll.
  • What if I can't complete a class? Expand dropdown

    If you have attended the majority of the course and have earned a "C" or better in work completed, you may qualify for an incomplete grade. An incomplete grade is, however, up to the instructor, so please discuss the situation with the instructor right away. Providing documentation supporting your reasons for an incomplete grade request may be helpful. Be sure to verify what coursework is needed and the date by which you are expected to complete the assignment(s) and test(s) in order to earn a final grade for the course.

    You may withdraw from individual classes using your my.emich account. This option, known as individual class withdrawal, is only available through the first two thirds of the term; after that, you can only withdraw if you meet the conditions for administrative withdrawals (consult the term Class Schedule book for exact dates). "First-term freshmen" must meet with an advisor in the Academic Advising Center before withdrawing from a course.

    Administrative withdrawals may be considered if you have significant extenuating circumstances (not grade-related) that developed subsequent to the end of the individual withdrawal period. Conditions and procedures are available through the Academic Advising Center, 301 Pierce Hall.

    If you can't complete any of your classes due to special circumstances, you may do a total term withdrawal until the last day before the final examination period (consult the term Class Schedule book for exact dates). Total term withdrawals don't affect future term enrollment. Total term withdrawals must be done through the Office of Records and Registration (they cannot be done using the my.emich account). Forms can be found in the Class Schedule book or through the Office of Records and Registration, 303 Pierce Hall.

  • The difference between ‘withdrawing’ and ‘dropping’ a class Expand dropdown

    Individual withdrawal

    After the 100% drop deadline, there is a period for individual withdrawal from classes. Withdrawal results in a "W" on your academic record. Individual course withdrawal will produce no tuition credit or refund. Students may withdraw from individual classes by accessing the Registration menu from their my.emich account.

    Students who have a financial or other hold that prevents registration may withdraw in person at either of the Service EMU locations, McKenny or the Student Center by calling the Registration office at 734.487.4111, or via their my.emich email account to [email protected]. Automatic withdrawal is permitted through two-thirds of the semester/subterm. (See calendars in the EMU Student Guide, for specific deadlines.)

    Late Withdrawal

    EMU policy provides students an opportunity to withdraw after the official deadline from an individual class or the entire semester/term, if they have extenuating circumstances of recent occurrence, that clearly prevent them from completing the course or courses in question.

    Both undergraduate and graduate students who would like to petition for a late withdrawal may do so by completing and submitting the late withdrawal/tuition appeal request form. Students must provide evidence of extenuating circumstances and withdrawals are not automatic.

    If you have questions regarding your late withdrawal/tuition appeal, please send an email via your my.emich email account to: [email protected]

    Complete Cancellation Of All Your Classes For The Semester

    If you decide not to attend a semester for which you have registered, you must cancel your entire class schedule or be subject to financial and/or academic penalties. If you neglect to notify the Office of Records and Registration, the University has no way to know that you do not plan to attend and will continue to reserve your space in the class.

    NOTE: Non-attendance and non-payment of bills will NOT result in a class being dropped. You may cancel ALL classes by doing one of the following:

    • Come in-person to either of the Service EMU locations, McKenny or the Student Center
    • Mail or fax the cancellation form or a letter, including your student number, term, year and main reason for withdrawal, to the Office of Records and Registration, 303 Pierce Hall, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. Fax: 734.487.6808. (Use of certified mail through the U.S. Postal Service is recommended.)
    • Call Registration at 734.487.4111.
      Through the 100% deadline, a total withdrawal will result in a refund of 100% of tuition and fees*.

    Through the 50% deadline, total withdrawal will result in a 50% refund of tuition and fees* and "W" grades.

    Through the 25% deadline, total withdrawal will result in a 25% refund of tuition and fees* and "W" grades.

    *Excludes the non-refundable registration fee.

    Get the cancellation/withdrawal request form [PDF].

    Dropping a Class

    Within the 100% drop period, you can drop a class from your schedule at any time. Dropping a class removes it from your class schedule without any notation on your permanent record.

    Should you need to drop your last remaining class, however, you will need to contact Records and Registration (see above) for assistance; you cannot drop your last class via the Web.

    Once the 100% drop period has ended, you can no longer drop a class from your schedule; instead, you must withdraw. Although withdrawing removes you from the class, it is recorded as a 'W' grade on your permanent record.

  • Are there other ways I can earn university credit? Expand dropdown

    There are a number of methods for earning credit toward your degree that might not be immediately obvious to students which include:

    Pre-Professional Internship (PPI)

    This program (PPI) allows freshmen and sophomore students who have a part-time job to explore career options and gain general free elective credit toward their degree.

    Study Abroad

    An opportunity to take classes in another country while still earning academic credit.

    College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

    The College-Level Examination Program® (CLEP) gives you the opportunity to receive college credit for what you already know by earning qualifying scores on a variety of examinations. Earn credit for knowledge you've acquired through independent study, prior course work, on-the-job training, professional development, cultural pursuits or internships.

    Learning Beyond the Classroom (LBC)

    A wide variety of activities count for LBC credit—everything from Marching Band participation to a planning committee for a major campus event, from leadership camps to theatre performances.

    Advanced Placement (AP) Credit

    International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit

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