Career Exploration

Our Career Coaches, bring years of experience in career development and will work with you to help you develop stronger self-awareness and career readiness through an empathetic and individualized approach. We can help you identify your unique interests, strengths, skills, values, and personality and help you see how those elements align to various careers that are inspiring and congruent with your life goals. Schedule a Career Coach appointment on Handshake HERE

In addition to individual coaching, we have several free tools you can access to begin your career exploration. It's important to remember to follow up with a Career Coach to help interpret your results after completion. Those tools include the following: 



 Sparkpath logo


SparkPath provides a career exploration tool that help you explore real-world challenges, instead of limiting your search to job titles. Through this online card sort activity you can begin reverse engineering your career to identify the challenges that you'd be inspired to work on and think critically about the various ways you can use your talents to address them. Instructions to access this assessment can be found HERE




The CliftonStrengths Assessment is a tool that helps you discover what you naturally do best, where you have the most potential, and what makes you exceptional. In other words, it helps you discover areas of natural strength. You can use the customized results of this assessment to make meaningful choices, address challenges, and enhance your quality of life. Schedule an appointment with a Career Coach to begin identifying your unique strengths! 



The Knowdell Values Card Sort Activity can help you identify your unique work values that are important in your career. This can help you determine viable career paths that are aligned to what you place importance on and understand how your values work together. The Knowdell Motivated Skills Card Sort Activity can help you to determine not only the skills that you already have developed proficiency in, but the skills that you're motivated to use and improve throughout your career. 


Free Resources For Career Exploration

O*Net: This database includes information on skills, abilities, knowledges, work activities, and interests associated with over 900 occupations. 

Occupational Outlook Handbook:  A publication of the United States Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics that includes information about the nature of work, working conditions, training and education, earnings and job outlook for hundreds of different occupations in the United States

CareerOneStop: This is an source of comprehensive, integrated, relevant, and personalized workforce information tools and resources. These tools and resources serve job seekers, students, and workers. 

What For Work: This provides a collection of short informational interviews with individuals in hundreds of occupations about what they really do in their jobs. 

Candid Career: This resource provides short interviews and videos providing honest information about various occupations. 

Vault: This resource provides in-depth intelligence on what it’s really like to work within an industry, company, or profession—and how to position yourself to launch and build the career of your dreams.

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