200 McKenny Hall
Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197
College of Business Satellite
1 Hill Hall
Handshake is Eastern’s search platform for student employment opportunities. Search for regular or work-study jobs, openings for full- and part-time work and internships and info on upcoming job fairs, workshops and other events.
Handshake will allow you to search for full- and part-time work, plus internships and student employment opportunities. Use the Handshake link and enter your my.emich user name and password, or log into my.emich with your username and password, select the student tab and look for the Handshake box on the right side of the page.
Student employment is an important educational experience and helps students prepare for meaningful careers. Important information about on-campus employment can be found in our Student Employment Handbook. This document includes policies, student responsibilities, and a student employee review form.
If you have been offered an on-campus job, you will complete section one of your I9 form online. Choose Student Employment as the location in the drop down menu. **Please do not complete an I9 until you have an offer of employment**
To complete section two our staff is available in person at 200 McKenny Hall Monday through Friday from 8am-5pm. The meeting will only take a few minutes.
To complete section two of the I9 you will need the correct forms of identification. Please have a picture ID and a document that establishes your eligibility to work in the United States (typically this would be either a birth certificate or a social security card). If you have a passport that will satisfy both requirements. If you are an international student please have your passport, I-94 and I-20 documents.
Remember, according to federal requirements, these must be original documents, not scanned, faxed or copied versions of them.
Work-study awards are based on financial need and are listed on your financial aid letter (if you've qualified for this award). Many positions on campus are available only to students with a CWS award.
Looking for a graduate assistant position?
All Graduate Assistant (GA) positions are posted on the human resources job search website. For more information about graduate assistantships - what they are, the various types, typical responsibilities, and how to find and apply for them, click here to learn.
The Graduate Assistant Interview Days (GAID) program has been discontinued. Departments will post opportunities to the EMU HR job posting website and proceed through interviews and offers as with any other positions. For more information, departments may click here.
There are several services available to assist you in your job search:
Are you a new to hiring students and need access to create electronic personnel action forms (epafs)? To request epaf access to originate epafs, you'll need to complete a request through the IT training website. Sign in to the training site with your emich credentials, choose your job type, then select "Update Access My.Emich Self-Service Electronic Personnel Action Forms (EPAF) Creator". When you have been given access if you would like training please contact our office.
Training on entering EPAFS: August 7th, 2024, G07A Halle Library 1-2:30pm, Register here
Brown Bag lunch sessions: Bring your lunch and your questions regarding hiring student employees: July 25, 2024, November 20, 2024, January 22, 2025 and March 26, 2025 from noon-1pm in 200 McKenny Hall.