On Campus Adventures

Cannon Crew

Crew2LT wilsonTJ Lang

Cadets fire off the Cannon at each Home Football Game Kickoff and when the Eagles score a Touchdown! 

Cadets from all year groups participate as part of the Cannon Crew to motivate the Team and the Fans during Home Footbal games. 

Eastern Michigan Alumni are invited to be Honorary members of the Cannon Crew and fire the Boom during Touchdowns as NFL Pro-Bowler TJ Lang was able to do during a 2019 game.


Ranger Challenge

The Eagle BN competed in the Varsity level military leadership event against teams from 37 other universities, winning the Commander's Challenge Competition. 

2019 Commander's Champion


Staff Ride

The Eagle Battalion participates in a staff ride each spring for Cadets to apply the leadership lessons they have learned to a historical battlefield.
