EMU ROTC Financial Aid

Eastern Michigan offers a wide range of financial aid.

Michigan National Guard State Tuition Assistance Program    Eagle Crest

Public Act 259 of 2014 established the Michigan National Guard State Tuition Assistance Program (MINGSTAP) to provide tuition assistance to members of the Michigan National Guard who are attending any public or private college, university, vocational school, technical school or trade school located in Michigan.

  • Up to $600 per credit hour
  • Up to $14,400 per year

MINGSTAP is available to members of the Michigan National Guard who:

  1. Are active in the National Guard (including the traditional service of one weekend/month and two weeks/year)
  2. Are in Good Standing (not absent without leave or under UCMJ charges) and
  3. Meet the additional criteria established by The Adjutant General, consistent with the guard's recruiting and retention requirements.
  • Certificates
  • Vocational Training
  • Technical Training
  • Associate’s Degree
  • Bachelor’s Degree
  • Master’s or first Professional Degree

MINGSTAP can be used along with the Federal Tuition Assistance and the GI Bill programs.

Student Loan Repayments

Students in the US Army Reserve qualify for the Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP), which is a special incentive that the Army offers to highly qualified applicants entering the Army. Under the SLRP, the Army will repay part of a Soldier's qualifying student loans. Only specified Military Occupational Specialties (MOSs) qualify for the SLRP.