34th Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration
October 21, 2019
This year marks the 34th Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration by Eastern Michigan University. This is truly one of Eastern’s hallmark events of the year, and we are pleased with the planning and preparation that is well underway for this year’s celebration. I would like to thank and acknowledge the co-chairs of this year’s event: Steven Bryant, Director of Diversity and Community Involvement; Doris Fields, Director of Undergraduate Studies; and Ellen Gold, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students.
The theme for this year’s celebration, which will take place from January 16 to January 21, 2020, is: Rise Up Against Injustice. We are proud to host Terrence Roberts as our keynote speaker on Monday, January 20. Terrence J. Roberts, Ph.D., is one of the “Little Rock Nine” who desegregated Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957, following the 1955 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Brown v. Board of Education case to integrate schools.
This year we will continue our tradition of recognizing individuals from within the University and surrounding community who exemplify the values and ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A key part of the celebration is the presentation of three awards at the MLK Day President’s Luncheon. These awards include the: MLK Student Scholarship, MLK Humanitarian Award, and the Evans-Strand Peace Award. A brief description of each award follows:
MLK Student Scholarship
The MLK Student Scholarship recognizes an EMU student who exemplifies the values and ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The award recipient receives a $1,000 scholarship for the winter 2020 semester. Nominations for the MLK Student Scholarship Award for an EMU student must include: (1) a completed application, (2) a short essay, and (3) one letter of support from an EMU faculty or staff member. The application is available online at the MLK Scholarships website.
Completed application materials must be received in-person at Service EMU (268 Student Center) or by e-mail at [email protected] by Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 5 p.m. Only complete applications will be considered. Late applications will not be accepted.
MLK Humanitarian Award
The MLK Humanitarian Award recognizes a faculty or staff member of the University or of the broader community who exemplify the values and ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Nominations for the MLK Humanitarian Award must include: (1) a completed application form, (2) a letter of nomination, (3) a minimum of one letter of support, and (4) a CV/resume of the nominee. Please see the MLK Scholarships website for the award application and award criteria, as well as a complete list of past award recipients. Completed nomination materials must be received by the Office of Government and Community Relations, 207 Welch Hall or via e-mail to [email protected] by Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 5 p.m. Only completed nominations will be considered. Late nominations will not be accepted.
Evans-Strand Peace Award
The Evans-Strand Peace Award, modeled after the Nobel Peace Prize, annually recognizes an individual for significant contributions that advance the understanding and acceptance of diversity at EMU. Award recipients receive a $1,000 cash award and an award medallion. Nominations for the Evans-Strand Peace Award for an EMU student who is currently enrolled or for a student who has graduated within the 12 months preceding the semester of the award must include: (1) a completed application, (2) an essay, and (3) two signed letters of recommendation from EMU faculty or staff. The application is available online at the Awards and Scholarships page.
Completed application materials must be received by Service EMU (268 Student Center) or via e-mail to [email protected] by Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 5 p.m. Only completed applications will be considered. Late applications will not be accepted.
I invite you to submit nominations for these important awards, so that we may continue our tradition of honoring those who have made significant contributions to the University and/or the broader community. For further details about the 2020 MLK Celebration, please visit the MLK Celebration website.
Thank you for your consideration of deserving nominees.
James M. Smith, Ph.D.