Call for Peace and Unity - Jan. 6, 2021
To the Eastern Michigan University community,
Like all of you, I am deeply shocked, saddened and horrified by the events in Washington, D.C. today. Given the increasingly hateful and inflammatory rhetoric over the past four years of this administration, I am, unfortunately, not surprised. These actions have incited some members of our peaceful nation to anarchy and bedlam, the likes of which we have never experienced before.
I join Governor Gretchen Whitmer (Democrat) and former Governor Rick Snyder (Republican), former President George W. Bush, President-elect Joe Biden, and leaders and citizens from all political parties and persuasions in condemning these abhorrent actions. America's democracy is strong and will withstand this unprecedented assault on our values, despite the anger and pain we are all feeling at this terrible moment in history.
I am proud to lead a public institution like EMU, which is committed to modeling inclusive, peaceful dialogue and debate on a range of issues. Together, we stand resolute in our call for peace and unity.
James Smith, Ph.D.
Eastern Michigan University