More winners in EMU's Vax to Win program: Sept. 22, 2021
To the Eastern Michigan University community:
I am pleased to announce the second round of winners in EMU’s “Vax to Win” program! These EMU students and employees were selected in the first two drawings. Additional winners (both students and employees) will be announced as soon as the notification and verification process is complete.
$5,000 credit - Alexys Hendrickson
$1,000 credit - Gianna Salzbrunn
$1,000 credit - Rebekah Sebok
$1,000 credit - Bryce Stuart
New computer - Jua'Chelle Harmon
Free on-campus housing for one semester - Cromwell Bost
Free on-campus housing for one semester - Siri Quist
Free on-campus housing for one semester - Miranda Watson
Free parking for one semester - Bethany McCormick
$100 Bookstore gift card - Nour Selmane
$100 Bookstore gift card - Lucas Pittel
$100 Dining credit - Sarah Bratton
$100 Dining credit - Callahan Burns
$100 Dining credit - Joelle Thompson
$500 payment - Iris Zapf-Garcia
$500 payment - Matthew Cooper
$100 Bookstore gift card - Victoria O’Donovan
$100 Bookstore gift card - James Sheerin
$100 Bookstore gift card - Dawn Stovall
$100 Dining credit - Sally Burton-Hoyle
Congratulations to the winners and thank you to each of them for doing their part to keep our community safe!
It’s not too late to win! There will be three more drawings over the next several weeks in which students and employees will receive over $40,000 in student credits, free on-campus housing, and other prizes!
To be eligible to receive a prize, you must be vaccinated against COVID-19 and verify your vaccination status. Visit the Vax to Win website for full details of this exciting program.
The COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective, and free! The University urges every member of the campus community to be vaccinated, and many members of the campus community are required to be vaccinated. Please visit the EMU Safe program website to review our comprehensive COVID-19 mitigation program and to learn about opportunities to receive a free vaccine on campus or other locations, including a pop-up vaccine clinic in the EMU Student Center from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Friday, September 24. No appointment is needed.