Drew J. Minock

Drew J. Minock
Drew J. Minock ’10 earned a Bachelor of Science from the College of Education with elementary teacher certification and majors in Early Childhood Education and Reading from Eastern Michigan University. Upon graduation, he accepted a position as a preschool teacher in Shanghai, China as his first job. He returned to the United States and taught in three different schools in three years. With his love of technology, Drew was finding new and exciting ways to bring technology into the classroom and children’s education. He is passionate about Augmented Reality and incorporated it into his classroom. Augmented Reality (AR) is a live view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. As a result, the information about the surrounding real-world environment becomes interactive and digitally manipulable. It was not long before he realized there was an opportunity to assist other teachers, which ignited his growing knowledge of the educational technology market.
The use of technology in educational settings has exploded in the last five years and Drew has been there from the start to guide developers, educators, parents and students. He has quickly become an expert in developmentally appropriate technology in an educational setting and has delivered keynote presentations across the country and around the globe. He is the co-founder of the augmented realty meet-up, AR Detroit, and the educational blog Two Guys and Some iPads. The blog became popular quickly and reached 100,000 visits from over 120 countries in just 126 days. He has also launched a popular educational podcast “The Two Guys Show” to inspire educators to reach new heights.
Drew is currently serving as education programs director for DAQRI, LLC, the world’s leading augmented reality developer. In this role, he provides workshops for school districts, creates and manages educational programs, consults on current and future products, and much more. His objective is to inspire individuals to reach their maximum potential using innovative technology and bring high quality, cutting edge technology to all levels of education.
Drew has served on the Teacher Advisory Boards of edtech start ups Remind and Three Ring and as a course development advisor for the Georgia State Board of Education. He continues to give back to EMU by giving presentations on campus to the Association for the Education of Young Children and by serving as a resource for the Early Childhood Education Program in their work with technology and teaching. Drew’s mission is to inspire educators to transform student lives, and to ignite a love of learning in students.