318 Everett L. Marshall Building
Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197
Ph.D. | Health, Behavior & Society | Johns Hopkins University | |
B.A./B.S. |
| Psychology, Honors Convocation | University of Michigan |
Sonnega, J., Sonnega, A., Kruger, D. & Bell, L. The city doesn’t sleep: Community perceptions of sleep deficits and disparities, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, forthcoming.
Carr, D., Sonnega, J.R., Ness, R.M., & House, J. (2014). Do special occasions trigger psychological distress among older bereaved spouses? An empirical assessment of clinical wisdom. The Journals of Gerontology Social and Psychological Sciences, 69(1), 113-22.
Williams, D.R., John D.A., Sonnega J.R., Mohammed S.A., & Jackson, J.S. (2012). Research on discrimination and health: an exploratory study of unresolved conceptual and measurement issues. American Journal of Public Health, 102(5), 975-8.
Williams D.R., Haile R., Mohammed S.A., Herman A., Sonnega J.R., Jackson, J.S, & Stein D.J. (2012). Perceived discrimination and psychological well-being in the U.S.A. and South Africa. Ethnicity and Health, 17(1-2), 111-33.
Seedat, S., Stein, D.J., Herman A., Kessler, R. Sonnega, J.R., Heeringa, S., Williams, S., & Williams, D. (2008). Twelve-month treatment of psychiatric disorders in the South African Stress and Health Study (World Mental Health Survey Initiative). Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 43(11), 889-897.
Fitzgerald, S., Brown, K., Sonnega, J.R. & Ewart. C.K. (2005). Early antecedents of adult work stress: Social competence and anger in adolescence. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 28, 223-230.
Rohrbaugh, M.J., Shoham,V., Sonnega, J.R., Cranford, J., & Nicklas, J. (2004). Beyond the “Self” in self-efficacy: Spouse confidence predicts patient survival following heart failure, Journal of Family Psychology, 18(1),184-193.
Williams, D.R., Herman, A., Kessler, R.C., Sonnega, J.R., Seedat, S., Stein, D.J., Moomal, H.,
& Wilson, C. (2004). The South Africa Stress and Health Study: Rationale and design, Metabolic BrainDisease, 19(1-2),135-147.
Bonanno, G.A., Wortman, C.B., Lehman, D.R. Sonnega, J.R. Carr, D. & Nesse R.M. (2002). Resilience to loss and chronic grief: A prospective study from preloss to 18-months postloss, Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 83(5),1150-64.
Rohrbaugh, M.J., Cranford, J.A., Shoham, V., Nicklas, J.M., Sonnega, J.R. & Coyne, J.C. (2002). Couples coping with congestive heart failure: Role and gender differences in psychological distress, Journal of Family Psychology, 16, 3-13.
Coyne, J.C., Rohrbaugh, M.J., Shoham, V., Cranford, J.A., Nicklas, J.M., & Sonnega, J.R. (2001). Prognostic importance of marital quality for survival of congestive heart failure, American Journal of Cardiology, 88, 526-529.
Carr, D., House, J.S., Kessler, R.C., Sonnega, J.R., Nesse, R., & Wortman, C. 2001. Marital quality and psychological adjustment to widowhood among older adults: A longitudinal analysis, Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 55b(4), 197-207.
Nicklas, J.M., Coyne, J.C., Rohrbaugh, M.J., Cranford, J.A., & Sonnega, J.R. (1998). The quality of social support predicts 3-year survival among married patients with congestive heart failure, Circulation, 98(17), 206-206.
Curbow B. Somerfield M. Legro M. & Sonnega J.R. (1990). Self-concept and cancer in adults: theoretical and methodological issues, Social Science & Medicine, 31(2),115-28.
Celentano, D.D., Brewer, T.F., Sonnega, J.R., & Vlahov, D. (1990). Maryland inmate's knowledge of HIV-1 transmission prevention: A comparison with the U.S. general population, Journal of Prison & Jail Health, 9(1), 45-54