Megan Sterling

A photo of Megan Sterling

Associate Professor, Undergraduate Program Director, Director Public Health

Health Promotion and Human Performance

319G Porter


[email protected]


  • Ph.D., Health Education, University of Toledo (2010)
  • MS, Health Education and Behavior, University of Florida (2005)
  • BS, Community Health Education, Western Michigan University (1997)


  • Thompson, A., Price, J., Dake, J., Teeple, K., Bassler, S., Khubchandani, J., Kerr, D., Brookins-Fisher, J., Rickard, M., Oden, L., Aduroja, A., Lyde, A., Philips, K., Adeyanju, M., Eggleston, B., Ferng-Kuo, S., Duquette, D., Bartholomew, K., & Stratton, C. (2013) Student Perceptions and Practices Regarding Carrying Concealed Handguns on University Campuses. Journal of American College Health,61(5), 243-253.

  • Rickard, M.L., Price, J.H., Telljohann, S.K., Dake, J.A., and Fink, B.N. (2011). School Superintendents' Perceptions Schools Assisting Students in Obtaining Health Insurance. Journal of School Health, 81(12), 756–763
  • Thompson, A., Rickard, M.L., Frauenknect, M. (2011). Eyes on the Prize: Polishing your Portfolio to Promote Professional Development. American School Health Association National Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, October 1416, 2011.
  • Hanson C and Rickard, M.L. (2011). Review of Key Advocacy Messages. Health Education Advocacy Summit. Washington, DC. March 2011.
  • Price, J.H., Kubchandani, J., Bryant, M., Rickard, M.L., Hendershot, C., and Thompson, A. (2010). Effect of Multiple Authored Versus Single Authored Cover Letters on Survey Return Rates. Psychological Reports, 107(1), 112.
  • Rickard, M.L., Hendershot, C., Khubachani, J., Price, J.H. and Thompson, A. (2010). School Nurses' Perceptions and Practices of Assisting Students in Obtaining Public Health Insurance. Journal of School Health, 80(6), 312320.
  • Price, J.H., and Rickard, M.L. (2009). State SCHIP Directors Perceptions of the Role of Schools in Student Health Insurance. Journal of School Health, 79(7), 326332.
  • Rickard, M.L., Price, J.H., Telljohann, S., Dake, J.A. and Fink, B.(2009). Public School Superintendent's Perceptions of the Role of Schools in Student Health Insurance. American School Health Association National Conference, Denver Colorado, October 2731, 2009.
  • Rickard, M.L., Hendershot, C., Khubachani, J., Price, J.H., and Thompson, A. (2009). Public School Nurse's Perceptions of Schools Assisting Students in Obtaining Public Health Insurance. American School Health Association National Conference, Denver Colorado, October 2731, 2009.
  • Rickard, M.L. (2009). Public School Superintendent's Perceptions of the Role of Schools in Student Health Insurance [Poster Presentation]. OHIO SOPHE Health Educator's Institute, College Corner, Ohio, October 15, 2009.
  • Rickard, M.L. (2008). State SCHIP Directors Perceptions of the Role of Schools in Student Health Insurance. American School Health Association National Conference, Tampa Florida, November 1215, 2008.
    Rickard, M.L. (2007). No child left behind: Meeting the needs of ALL students. OHIO ASSOCIATION OF GIFTED CHILDREN 55th Annual Fall Conference, Columbus Ohio, October 79, 2007.
  • Rickard, M.L. (2005). Gender differences in college students' perceptions of individuals with a sexually transmitted infection: Results from pilot study research. American Public Health Association National Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 1014, 2005.
  • Murray, S and Rickard, M.L. (2005). Making the connection: Health and student achievement. American School Health Association National Conference, Burbank California, October 2125, 2005.


  • HLED 130 Healthy Sexuality
  • HLED 120 Healthful Living
  • HLED 260 Introduction to Community Health
  • HLED 315 Current Health Issues II
  • HLED 320 Health Education in the Elementary Grades
  • HLED 325 Instructional Skills and Strategies
  • HLED 460 Concepts in Sexuality Education
  • HLED 558 Health Education Methods and Materials
  • HLED 564 Health Education for Diverse Populations
  • HLED 570 Measurement in Health Education


Dr. Rickard began teaching at Eastern Michigan University in 2010. Her research interests include health policy, social class effects on health, and sexual health. She enjoys teaching in both Community and School Health Education and serving as the faculty advisor for the local chapter of Eta Sigma Gamma. Dr. Rickard is a member of the American Association of School Health, the Society of Public Health Educators, and National Eta Sigma Gamma and serves in various roles within those organizations. Since joining EMU, she has received a new faculty research award for her work with sexually transmitted infections and partner communication. She was also inducted into Western Michigan University Human Performance and Health Education Alumni Honor Academy in March of 2012.