Community Health Education Track, Public Health Major
Undergraduate public health majors and public health major intents interested in the community health education track should contact Dr. Megan Sterling to request a community health education track faculty advisor. We encourage students to request a public health education faculty advisor as soon as they decide to follow the community health education track. A community health education track faculty advisor can help students create an individualized program plan based on course requirements and prerequisites, as well as the semester each course will be offered.
Megan Sterling, Ph.D.
Public Health Education Undergraduate Program Coordinator
318 Porter Building
734.487.2829 | [email protected]
Health Education Minor
Undergraduates seeking a Health Education Minor should contact Ms. Amanda Niemiec at the CHHS Advising Center for advising.
Amanda Niemiec
HPHP Academic Advisor
214 Marshall Building
734.487.0918 | [email protected]
Interested in an HPHP Program?
Email us your questions to:
[email protected]
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