IPE Mini-Grants

As part of the mission of the Center of Interprofessional Education, Research and Practice, this mini-grant opportunity is provided to faculty who are interested in advancing research, practice, and dissemination of interprofessional education. 

The mission of the Center for Interprofessional Education, Research, and Practice is to promote excellence in educational preparation and practice in prevention, wellness, and healthcare that connects disciplines, promotes teamwork, fosters mutual understanding, strengthens research, and advances health for individuals and communities.

This mini-grant offers funding for faculty interested in starting a new, student-centered interprofessional project, wanting support to continue an ongoing project, or wanting travel funding for a conference to present about an interprofessional education project or program.

Anyone in the College of Health and Human Services is eligible to apply. These are assessed and granted on a rolling basis by the members of the minigrant committee on the IPE steering committee.


Interested in applying for a mini-grant for your interprofessional project? Please complete the minigrant application form. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to Jillian Graves at [email protected].

Previously Funded Proposals

  • The MLS and the PA: Diagnosis and Analysis Utilizing the Clinical Laboratory ($5,751.77)

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    Lynne Shetron-Rama (medical lab science), Maria Keelon (physician assistant), Theresa Mortier (Medical Lab Sciences) and Chasity Falls (physician assistant)

    The project goal will develop professional relationships between physician assistant students and medical laboratory science students to facilitate future learning and enhancing teamwork as part of the health care team, as well as to increase understanding of professions and roles within the health care team that will in turn promote patient safety, test utilization efficiency and mutual respect. Students will develop strong, improved communication skills between physician assistant students and medical laboratory science students for enhanced collaboration as part of the health care team to help to overcome possible stereotypes.
  • Enhancing Education Through Large Scale Interdisciplinary Simulation ($7,500)

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    Linda Myler (nursing), Jake Lindquist (orthotics and prosthetics) and Kathy Seurynck (nursing)

    Our overall goal is to promote a sustainable IPE simulation that can impact a large number students within CHHS. We obtained a Faculty Research Fellowship to prepare for this large-scale event-taking place November 3, 2017. Due to the large time commitment and scope of this project, we are seeking IPE funding to provide the core leadership team time to analyze and publish the data from the 2017 event, as well as to plan for expansion in 2018.

  • Parenting and Poverty: Stories of Childbearing in Challenging Circumstances ($5,600)

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    Holly Hopkins (nursing) and Julie Harkema (social work)
  • Collaborative Patient Assessment and Treatment Planning with Prosthetic and Social Work students ($4,000)

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    Stephanie Wladkowski (social work) and Jacob Lindquist (orthotics and prosthetics)

    The primary purpose of this IPE experience is to provide an opportunity for students enrolled in pre-professional programs in the CHHS at EMU to engage in a collaborative assessment exercise. The secondary purpose of the proposed study is to evaluate the effectiveness of collaborative assessment on two outcomes:

    • The students' perception of and attitude towards IPE core concepts
    • The students' self-assessment of professional identity
  • An Interdisciplinary Team-Based Approach to Develop Soft Skills in Students Using Coaching Techniques ($7,500)

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    Sharon Holt (occupational therapy), Linda Myler (nursing), Kathleen Seurynck (nursing) and Jayne Yatczak (occupational therapy)

    This project aims to meet the need of improving soft skills in our nursing and occupational therapy students. A unique, interdisciplinary approach of students being placed in teams within their class and the other profession to work on case studies, group discussions and online vignettes will occur.

  • Recreational Music-Making: A Group Intervention for Reducing Stress in Undergraduate Nursing and Social Work Students in a Collaborative, Inter-professional Group Environment ($7,000)

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    Kyle Farr (nursing) and Angie Mann-Williams (social work)

    This project aims to develop an interprofessional self-care intervention using recreational music-making at EMU. The self-care intervention to be utilized in this interprofessional project is a recreational music-making (RMM) program called HealthRhythms. RMM has been shown to reduce stress, enhance coping mechanisms and establish interprofessional relationships (Bittman, et al., 2004). During the RMM sessions, student participants will be encouraged to express their thoughts, feelings and emotions utilizing the HealthRhythms protocol, aimed to allow student participants to understand and utilize music as self-care strategy.

  • Lunch and Learn: Nutrition in Action for Dietetic and PA Students ($4,770, $3,000 conference travel)

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    Allison Jay (dietetics), Vivian Moynihan (physician assistant), Chasity Falls (physician assistant), Kevin Geltz (physician assistant) and Amanda Karel (physician assistant)

    This proposed IPE project seeks to increase students' understanding of the value of PAs and nutritionists/dietitians as part of a patients' health care team. In addition, the project will improve PA students' ability to diagnose disease and supplement treatment with nutrition counseling. Dietetics students' ability to provide efficient medical nutrition therapy and motivational interviewing as well as their patient education skills will also be improved. Ultimately, students from both disciplines will enhance their understanding of the scope of practice of the other discipline and better understand the benefits of collaboration and referral for patient-centered treatment.

  • Patient Centric Care: Teaching the Orthopedic Patient Together: PA, CP and O&P ($5,000)

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    Wendy Beattie (orthotics and prosthetics), Vivian Moynihan (physician assistant), Maria Keelon (physician assistant), Amanda Karel (physician assistant) and Allison Jay (dietetics)

    The proposed IPE project consists of a joint clinical session for the second-year O&P, dietetics and PA students. A group of community members with various orthopedic conditions will be invited to participate as patient models for the clinical session. In interdisciplinary teams of three (one student from each program), the students will evaluate the community member and then develop a coordinated plan of care. Multiple teams of students will evaluate each patient model. After three teams evaluate each patient model, the student teams will come together and compare treatment plans.

  • College Student Food Insecurity: Research, Discovery and Action ($7,500)

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    Sandy Pernecky (dietetics) and Julie Harkema (social work)

    A three-part project that desires to better understand students' level of food insecurity, raise awareness in the College and University in order to address students' needs, and continual support for those that use the food pantry:

    1. Documentation of hunger on EMU's campus incorporating research about food insecurity among students, history of the creation of Swoop's Food Pantry and food justice issues.
    2. Interview food pantry clients to learn more about what students face regarding poverty and food insecurity in order to assess barriers these students face.
    3. Create a local (Ypsilanti) bus tour addressing food injustice and efforts to address it.
  • Enhancing Clinical Decision Making and Professional Interaction Amongst Occupational Therapy and Orthotics/Prosthetics Students

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    Project Directors


    The goals of this project are to develop and pilot an IPE program on which future initiatives can be based. Specific goals of this OT and OP IPE project are to:

    • Pilot a joint clinical rotation that will serve as a foundation for future IPE endeavors.
    • Develop curricular links between these two programs and engage in collaborative pedagogy to support student development in increasingly team based health care environments.
    • Increase understanding of the purpose and scope of each other’s practices in order to determine when and how to draw upon the services of these professionals in the course of providing patient care.
    • Present a model that has the potential to expand to include other related programs and professions here and at other universities.
    • Develop a library of exemplary case studies for future classroom use by both programs.
  • Tobacco Cessation Support Program (TCSP)

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    Project Director


    The overall goal of the TCSP is to reduce tobacco use by EMU students. Specific program and participant objectives are as follows:

    • All program participants will attend four or more workshops per session.
    • By April 2016, program planners will have implemented four complete five week workshops.
    • By the end of the first workshop, participants will be able to list five strategies to reduce and/or quit tobacco use.
    • At the last workshop of a session, participants will report a reduction of tobacco use compared to their baseline levels.
    • By the end of the five week program, participants will make a positive transition in their reported stage of change.
    • Two months after completing a session, 40% of participants will sustain a tobacco use reduction.
  • IPE Cultural Awareness Service Learning Health Care Project

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    Project Director


    • To create an IPE service learning three-credit elective course (hybrid) to be team-taught Winter, 2016.
    • Recruit students from the various CHHS Schools and Programs to enroll in the course.
    • Recruit CHHS Faculty, IPE Scholars and Task Force Members to be guest speakers to enrich content regarding CHHS majors and professions.
    • Identify a local health care organization with a diverse client/patient population to partner with for students that are not traveling to Jamaica.
    • Confirm the travel/lodging arrangements for the Jamaica trip and work with study abroad program to make trip arrangements for students.
    • Maintain relationships and confirm the volunteer experiences with the health care professionals in Jamaica.
    • Disseminate our qualitative research findings to peers locally, nationally and internationally.
  • Promoting Collaboration and Quality of Care through Interdisciplinary Simulation

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    Project Directors


    The goals of the project include:

    • To identify and distinguish roles among health care professions.
    • Identify barriers in communication between disciplines.
    • To create an interdisciplinary simulation model that can be utilized across disciplines.
    • Disseminate pilot and results of the interdisciplinary product across fields of study.
    • Formulate a plan to implement the simulation across courses in each discipline represented.

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