Lukomski, A., (2001) "Perceive Stress, Challenge, and Emotions of Students in Pediatric Nursing Clinical Courses". Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses. April-June: 6(2): 65-72.
Lukomski, A., (Accepted Publication)"Best Practices for an Interdisciplinary Team Taught Course". Journal of Gerontology. February, 2009.
Annual NAPNAP Conference: Chicago, IL: Levels of Parental Satisfaction with Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Services in the Primary Care Setting. April 15-18, 2010
Undergraduate Symposium Eastern Michigan University: The Clean Team: Teaching Preschool Children Personal Hygiene in a Fun and Engaging Way. March, 2009
Envision Conference: Oakland University, Rochester, MI. Poster Presentation: Levels of Parental Satisfaction with Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Services in the Primary Care Setting. September 25, 2008
Michigan Academy of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (MASAL): Abstract accepted March, 2008
Michigan Registered Nurse, since 1996
Michigan Specialty License/Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, since 2002
Pediatric Nursing Certification Board
Basic Life Support
Neonatal Advanced Life Support
Pediatric Advance Life Support
Professional Affiliations
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (NAPNAP), membership
Michigan Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, membership
Sigma Theta Tau International (National Honor Society), membership
Sigma Theta Tau (Lamba)
Nursing Excellence Award Botsford Hospital (May, 2009)