About the EMU School of Nursing


To deliver high quality education in an inclusive environment to prepare a diverse student body to excel as clinicians, scholars, and leaders who will improve health in local, regional, and global communities. 


To strive to be a premier learning environment for the development of practice-ready graduates responsive to societal healthcare needs to positively impact the health of local, regional, and global communities.  


The School of Nursing embraces the values of the university:  excellence, respect, inclusiveness, responsibility, and integrity.  


Just as Eastern Michigan University was established in 1849 to help meet the state's need for trained educators, the University established the Department of Nursing Education in 1971 in response to another set of public needs: a shortage of nurses in Michigan and a large pool of potential nursing students.

The department, known since 2004 as the School of Nursing, is committed to the EMU and College of Health and Human Services mission of excellence in teaching. The School of Nursing also strives to extend knowledge through research and prepare caring and competent professionals to enhance health and quality of life within the global community.

Eastern Michigan University nurses:

  • Embrace nursing as both an art and a science.
  • Treat people with respect, sensitivity and dignity - as unique and whole beings, rather than sets of symptoms.
  • Assess healthcare environments and adapt accordingly.
  • Recognize health as a dynamic phenomenon and help people see a healthier way forward.
  • Proactively assist, educate and advocate for patients and their families.
  • Never stop learning.

To cultivate professional values, critical inquiry, communication and life-long learning, a nursing program should challenge students to engage the world from different perspectives through a curriculum rich in the social sciences, physical sciences and humanities. We believe nurses must be taught in an environment open to diverse ideas and learning styles, where teachers and students are partners in their quest for growth.

Our School works to support the University's mission:

EMU enriches lives in a supportive, intellectually dynamic and diverse community. Our dedicated faculty balance teaching and research to prepare students with relevant skills and real world awareness. We are an institution of opportunity where students learn in and beyond the classroom to benefit the local and global communities.

Read more about EMU's mission, vision and values.

Read more about EMU CHHS's mission, vision, and values. 

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