Questions & Answers

  • What is the objective of the survey? Expand dropdown
    The purpose is to assess the experiences of students and the degree to which students feel safe and respected. The survey will also ask students about their views on consent and their beliefs about factors leading to sexual misconduct. The questions were designed to be inclusive of the wide range of experiences of our diverse student population. We are also interested in learning more about students’ knowledge of and satisfaction with EMU resources and policies. The data collected will be used to improve campus response, intervention, and prevention efforts within the campus community. 
  • Who is responsible for the survey? Expand dropdown

    The survey is sponsored by EMU’s Provost Office. The EMU survey was designed by the EMU Title IX Research Committee (made up of faculty and research administrators) with the active participation of students and after conversations with stakeholders representing a wide range of campus communities. 

  • Why is the survey important? Expand dropdown

    Students are the most important part of campus, and your participation is crucial to understanding what is happening on campus and how you feel about it.  The benefit to participating is that students’ personal beliefs, perspectives, behaviors, and knowledge will support the development of EMU prevention programs, as well as national knowledge about campus cultures in relation to sexual misconduct.

  • Who will answer the survey? Expand dropdown
    Although participation is voluntary, participants will be randomly chosen from a list of EMU students used to draw a representative sample in order to avoid biases and have the views and experiences of our diverse body of students represented in our survey findings. Participation is, therefore, very important to attain survey findings that will inform EMU’s effort to develop effective responses, interventions, programs, and policies to change campus culture and prevent sexual misconduct. Answers are confidential, and respondents’ names will not be associated with their answers. Students who complete the survey will receive a $10 gift card as a token of appreciation. In addition to that there will be an opportunity to win a lottery for 1 of 15 $100 Amazon gift cards
  • Can the selected respondents choose not to participate in the survey? Expand dropdown
    • Participating in this survey is voluntary.
    • Respondents may skip any question that they do not want to answer or stop participation at any time.
  • How will the survey be conducted? Expand dropdown

    In order to achieve and keep strict confidentiality of participants, EMU has contracted an outside survey organization – the Wayne State University Center for Urban Studies which will be responsible for all contacts with EMU participants in the survey, including sending invitation letters and reminders.

    • Students will be sent a link to the questionnaire.
    • The survey takes about 25 minutes.
  • What will happen with the answers? Expand dropdown
    Responses are strictly confidential and will not be part of any academic, medical, or disciplinary record. No individually identifiable information will be reported to EMU. Results of the survey will only be reported in aggregate. Students’ names will be replaced with a respondent number, which will allow for a complete analysis of the data without anyone at EMU being able to link a student name with survey answers. This data will be made available to the Title IX Research Committee, Provost Office, and campus stakeholders to develop programs, policies, and interventions to prevent sexual misconduct on our campus.

Participation in this survey is very important!