Cloud-to-air lightning
Student's description:
This picture was taken in the backyard of my house at around 9:40 PM. My dad was outside with our dog and noticed orange light coming from a cloud, the weather was very clear that day with a few clouds in the sky. He decided to take pictures and caught orange lightning strike out of a cloud sideways without it touching the ground (I personally have never seen, or noticed, orange lighting before. I also have not seen visible lightning come out of a cloud sideways and not strike the ground)! After doing some digging I found that yellow and orange lighting, according to WFMZ (an American broadcasting company), "occurs when there is a large concentration of dust in the air". The type of lightning seen in the photo is called "Cloud to Air" lightning, according to, this is "Lightning that occurs when the air around a positively charged cloud top reaches out to the negatively charged air around it". This was super cool to see and I hope I can see more cool things like it!