Regular class schedule beginning Jan. 24, 2022
To the Eastern Michigan University community:
Next week (beginning Monday, Jan. 24, 2022), we will return to our regular course schedule for the winter semester.
I appreciate the flexibility and patience of students, faculty, and staff during the last two weeks while we temporarily shifted to remote learning.
Winter Course Schedule
Our two-week deviation from the regular winter course schedule was designed to allow our internal systems (EMU Telehealth Clinic, our on-campus COVID-19 Testing Center, the Dean of Students Office, etc.) to manage the expected increase in COVID-19 cases following the holiday break. Indeed, cases of COVID-19 increased as expected, but case counts are now declining.
As we resume the regular winter semester course schedule, it bears reminding that we have zero documented cases of transmission of COVID-19 in classrooms thanks to our highly-effective EMU Safe protocols. Those protocols include:
- Mandatory face masks indoors regardless of vaccination status;
- Required COVID PASS daily health screening of every person who comes to campus;
- Physical distancing in classrooms;
- Free rapid COVID-19 testing at our on-campus Testing Center; and
- Mandatory vaccination and vaccination-or-testing for students and employees.
COVID-19 Vaccines Are Effective
The data continue to be clear: For those who are eligible, COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective in reducing transmission of COVID-19, and effective in reducing the impact on those who do contract COVID-19. The vast majority of individuals who are hospitalized for COVID-19 are unvaccinated. Vaccination is our collective path to returning to “normal”.
If you have already been vaccinated, thank you! As a next step, please receive a COVID-19 booster shot as soon as possible. If you are not vaccinated, please do so as soon as possible. There are numerous opportunities to receive a vaccine (including booster shots) on-campus and off-campus.
Additional Updates for Non-Instructional Staff
Staff members who had been working a modified remote schedule during the past two weeks should return to their typical schedules consistent with any approved departmental flexible work and operational excellence plans. Supervisors are responsible for communicating expectations to employees that are consistent with these plans.
The ongoing dedication of our faculty, staff, and community to adhering to EMU Safe protocols and working together to ensure a safe campus have served our students and our colleagues very well throughout the many challenges of the global pandemic. Your ongoing commitment will continue to help us best serve our mission to support student learning as we move forward together.
James Smith, Ph.D.